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017. ❛ the washington monument.

AS PETER CONTINUED to meticulously try every possible sequence, Diana's attention was unexpectedly diverted by a call from Juliana, her fellow teammate.

"Damn it," Diana muttered softly as her fingers swiped across the screen to answer the phone, her voice laced with a mix of annoyance and concern, "Hey, Juliana. What's up?"

"'What's up?!'" The distress in Juliana's voice was palpable, almost piercing through the phone, "You're missing the match, and you're telling me 'what's up?!'"

"Juliana, listen-" Diana began, attempting to explain, but her words were abruptly drowned out.

"No! Where the hell are you?! Coach is pissed as fuck because our lead player decided to take a vacation! So, where are you, and better have a damn good excuse."

"Uh," Diana hesitated momentarily, her mind racing to concoct a believable excuse, "I-I was at a club and got drunk. End of story."

"Oh? Of course," Juliana's tone dripped with sarcasm, "Because getting wasted right before the game is a brilliant idea. Let me guess; Parker's was with you on this little rendezvous of yours, too, right?"

With Peter eavesdropping on the conversation, Diana shot him a quick glance, silently asking for his input. She discreetly moved the phone away from her mouth, whispering, "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know," Peter responded in a rush, his fingers working to pry open the concrete doors as he shrugged, "Just make something up. You're good at that, aren't you? Tell her we had a one-night stand or something."

As Diana brought the phone back to her ear, Juliana's voice sliced through again, "Did I just hear Peter? Did you guys actually have a one-night stand?"

Diana's expression turned icy as she shot an intense glare at Peter, her lips mouthing the words, "I'm gonna kill you."

"I have to go, Juliana," Diana ended the call abruptly, just as the creaking of the cement doors being forced open reached her ears. A victorious grin spread across Peter's face as the morning sunlight momentarily blinded them both.

"Yes!" Peter exclaimed, happiness evident in his voice as he leaped back down to the ground. His arms wrapped around Diana as he twirled her around, relief flooding through his body, "We did it! Let's go!"

With an exuberant flick of his wrist, a web shot out, and the pair swung out of the warehouse, prompting an involuntary yelp of surprise from Diana. He held her close until they gracefully landed on the roof of a departing truck, the vehicle blending into the stream of traffic, shielded by a security-concealing bridge.

"Don't move," Diana whispered to Peter as they huddled together on the truck's roof, his breath held in anticipation.

Once a safe distance from the DODC warehouse, they settled down on the truck's surface. "Karen, what's the fastest way to the decathlon?" Peter asked his AI.

"Can you tell me where it is?" she responded.

"Right across from the Washington Monument," Peter hastily answered just as he reached Ned's voicemail, "Ned, call me back! The glowy thing is a bomb!"

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now