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008. ❛ eye candy.

IT WAS A DREARY MONDAY MORNING, and Diana trudged towards Midtown High, her exhaustion evident in every step. Pink bubblegum languidly occupied her mouth as she clung to a worn-out black leather jacket, a feeble attempt to conceal her weariness.

Slowing her pace to match Mj's stride, Diana caught up with her friend, their footsteps syncing in unison. Mj's head snapped towards Diana, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Well, don't you look like shit."

Diana pursed her lips and shot Mj a sarcastic look. "Thanks, Mj."

Mj flashed a playful smile in response. "No problem. Just stating the obvious."

As Diana prepared to respond, a sudden car honk interrupted their conversation. Whirling around, she rolled her eyes as she spotted Eugene 'Flash' Thompson harassing Midtown's sweetest nerd, Peter Parker.

"Eugene! I swear if-" Diana called out, a string of profanities poised on the tip of her tongue. However, before she could unleash her verbal assault, the boy sped away, leaving her frustration hanging in the air.

Mj snorted, finding amusement in Diana's annoyance. "You can mess with him later in class. Now, let's get going. Class will start soon, D."

"Verdammtes Arschloch," Diana whispered under her breath before making her way inside the school, immediately greeted by the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. "Why is it always so fucking cold?" Diana whined as she pulled her jacket closer to her body.

Mj laughed as they made their way to Diana's locker, "I don't know, but someday I hope the A.C. goes out. I'm getting hypothermia just by being in here."

After swinging by Diana's locker, they proceeded to Mj's. Leaning against a nearby locker, Diana couldn't resist teasing, "Bet you missed me last Friday."

Mj's irritation seeped through her response. "Oh yeah, I wanted to punch Mr. Rutherford in the face. Couldn't you have slept in another day?"

Diana chuckled, reveling in the banter. "I could punch him for you if you'd like. I'm really great at punching, you know? An expert if I do say so myself."

Mj shut her locker with a smile; her textbooks clutched in her hands. "I seriously doubt that. You'd be too scared to break a nail."

Shaking her head with a knowing smile, Diana blew a bubble with her pink gum, her gaze drifting towards a boy who watched her with a mix of awe and admiration. His curly brown hair clung lightly to his forehead, and an earbud played music in one ear while his friend engaged him in conversation.

"Hey, Pretty Parker." Diana winked mischievously, punctuating her flirtation with a bubble pop, relishing in the blush that crept across his face at the familiar nickname she used for Peter Parker.

Mj rolled her eyes, cautioning Diana, "Come on, Diana. Don't toy with him. You literally just broke up with... what's his name? Jake?"

Diana rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the lockers, starting to walk towards their next class. "Jake was an ass and hated chocolate. Who the fuck hates chocolate? Besides, Parker is eye candy."

"Don't mess with him, though. He's got a heart of diamonds," Mj spoke sternly as they entered their Marine Biology class.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now