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015. ❛ pink portals

"SUIT LADY, WHAT WAS THAT?" Peter exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he desperately tried to fix his malfunctioning webs. Diana, her attention focused on the approaching van, casually adjusted her ponytail.

"Taser webs."

"Taser webs?! I don't want taser webs," Peter protested hurriedly, a hint of panic in his voice.

"You seem to be very unfamiliar with your web-shooter settings. Would you like to run a refresher course?"

"No, just... you choose." Peter conceded, his voice laced with exasperation.

"Sure thing."

In the distance, three trucks emerged, and Diana's keen eyes immediately noticed their approach. She turned to Peter, who was also observing the trucks intently. "You see that, right?" she asked him, seeking confirmation.

"Yeah," Peter hummed in response, his gaze shifting upwards as he spotted the Vulture soaring overhead. "Oh... that's him."

"What?" Diana asked, her confusion evident.

"He's selling these high-tech weapons and trapped me in a lake," Peter explained rapidly, his voice betraying a touch of unease.

Diana tilted her head, observing as the Vulture skillfully fired cables onto the roof of the last truck. With precise movements, he dropped a cube onto the trailer, which promptly split into four pieces. Arranged meticulously in a rectangle, the pieces formed a pink, translucent, glowing portal that extended through the truck's roof.

"You saw that too, right? I'm not going crazy?" Diana inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Yes, and I'm pretty sure you're already crazy," Peter quipped, his white mechanical eye playfully winking at Diana as he turned his head towards her.

The Vulture detached from his suit and descended through the portal, prompting Peter and Diana to spring into action. They quickly caught up with the trailers and deftly climbed onto the roof.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Peter cautiously reached out to touch the portal, his fingers passing through the shimmering surface. "Woah. Cool! It's some kind of matter phase shifter," he exclaimed, a mixture of awe and excitement evident in his voice.

As Peter marveled at the portal, Diana's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan on the spot. She was accustomed to always having a plan before venturing out, but the unexpected heist left her momentarily blank.

She saw Vulture start to get up and pull Peter back, but Peter, being the idiotic teenager he is, webbed the guy's bag. "Hey, Big Bird! This doesn't belong to you!" Peter shouted.

The Vulture fell back into his suit and soared toward the two teenagers. Peter jumped over him while Diana reacted swiftly, using her agility to slide under him and slice one of his legs with a knife she had concealed. She then swiftly propped herself up and observed as Peter fired webs at the man's wings, only to see them have little effect. "Suit lady, what was that?!" He asked.

"You told me to choose."

Diana let out an exasperated groan, scrambling to her feet and rushing towards her friend. With a forceful shove, she pushed Peter away from the Vulture's menacing wings just in time. Both of them slid back, their bodies pressed against the slick surface of the truck's roof, while Diana used her sharp claws to anchor them and prevent them from slipping off.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now