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013. ❛ school bus talks

DIANA'S MORNING WAS OFF to a terrible start. The day seemed determined to test her patience. First, she clumsily spilled her coffee, adding an unwelcome stain to her already chaotic morning. Then, Peter had been acting strangely around her, causing her to feel a sense of unease. On top of it all, she was plagued by a pounding headache, likely a consequence of the previous night's events at Liz's party, which she couldn't quite recall. So storming out of her Algebra class seemed to be the best approach at the moment.

As she roamed the hallways, trying to regain her composure, Diana's attention was drawn to two unfamiliar men, who appeared lost and out of place within the school premises. Her curiosity piqued; she furrowed her eyebrows, ready to question the men about their presence, when a sudden movement disrupted her thoughts. Strong arms encircled her waist, pulling her into a nearby hallway, "Hey-"

"Shh, Diana," A soft voice whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine, causing her to realize that she was backed against Peter's chest. His protective embrace, though unexpected, brought her a sense of comfort, and as he released her, they both observed the men walking by, oblivious to their presence.

Feeling the need to address the peculiar situation, Diana cleared her throat, attempting to alleviate the tension. She gestured to Peter's protective stance, her voice laced with curiosity, "So... care to explain?"

Peter, avoiding direct eye contact, responded in a hushed tone, "Not at the moment, no." His gaze swept across the hallway, ensuring their safety. His memories of the previous night were vivid, contrasting with Diana's hazy recollection.

Peter broke the momentary silence, issuing a command, "Stay here with Ned." With determined steps, he proceeded towards the room the two men had entered.

Even though Diana now knew Peter's secret identity as Spider-Man, she still felt a sense of unease about him confronting the two strangers. She swiftly caught hold of his arm, her voice filled with concern, "Are you mad?"

Peter smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes, "Possibly," before dashing into the room, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious visitors.

Diana, shaking her head in exasperation, muttered under her breath, "Blödmann."

As silence settled between Diana and Ned, the latter decided to break the tension, shifting his weight from foot to foot. An idea struck him, and he suggested with a playful tone, "So... do you wanna play rock, paper, scissors?"

LEANING AGAINST THE BRIGHT yellow school bus, its vibrant color reflecting the enthusiasm in the air, Diana stood next to Mj, engaged in a lively conversation about a famous painting housed in Washington. The sun-kissed morning signaled the beginning of an eventful day ahead. Diana and her soccer team, accompanied by the Academic Decathlon participants, would share a bus and hotel as their respective competitions coincided in the same area.

"Hey, it's Peter," Amid their animated discussion, Abraham's voice broke the flow, drawing everyone's attention to a boy sprinting toward them.

Peter arrived breathless, disoriented, and the team turned their gaze toward him, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity, "Guys."

"Peter?" Liz exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team," Peter managed a small smile, his voice slightly strained.

Flash, taking a step forward, responded with a touch of skepticism, "No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone."

Ironically, Mr. Harrington intervened, his tone laced with amusement, "Hey, welcome back, Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternate."

Flash's eyes widened, his disbelief evident. "What?"

Abraham couldn't help but laugh, teasingly remarking, "He's taking your place."

Laughter rippled through the team as Diana playfully high-fived Abraham, "Man, I love you, dude."

Mj, standing beside Diana, spoke up, eager to move forward, "Excuse me, can we go already? Because I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner."

"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus," agreed Mr. Harrington, guiding the students toward the vehicle.

In a swift motion, Flash tore off his jacket and thrust it into Peter's arms, causing the latter to stumble back, clutching the unexpected gift.

Diana winked at Peter and then followed her team onto the bus. "Hey, Pretty Parker."

"Hey, Diana." Peter smiled, his cheeks blushing at the nickname he had grown fond of hearing from her.

Soon the time had passed, and the bus was now moving along. Peter was in the front with the rest of the team, answering questions before he went to go sit at an empty seat in the back after a phone call.

Diana, giving Mj a thumbs up as she conversed happily with Juliana, rose from her seat and walked over to Peter, who had just finished his call.

"Hey," Diana offered a kind smile as she pointed to the seat next to the boy, "Do you mind?"

"No, no," Peter shook his head and gestured to the seat, "All yours."

"Thanks." Diana chuckled and sat down, turning to Peter, "Look, Peter-"

"Me first. Diana, you know," Peter began, feeling his neck flush with heat, "Y-You're really nice and... and pretty-"

"Oh, yes. I think I'm very pretty, too," Diana nodded proudly, adjusting her hair. "Actually, I'm more beautiful than pretty, but I don't know if I'm nice. Well, people always say I am, but I'm really narcissistic, so-"

"Diana!" Peter interrupted the girl's rambling, "Just shut up. I'm trying to ask you to homecoming."

"Oh," Diana froze, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. "Me? I was joking that day in the cafeteria. You don't want to go with me, Pete. I mean, you've got a heart of gold, and you're smart and handsome, and like... wow. And I'm like... uh, I don't really know. The point is, you don't want to go with me because, knowing us, we'd get attached to each other, and then one thing would lead to the next, and... yeah."

"Well," the boy started as he took her hand in his, smiling brightly at the girl, "That's a chance I'm willing to take, Ana."

Diana's body grew cold as she froze in place. No one had called her Ana since her brother, Alexander, passed away. It had become a name locked away in her heart. Yet, as she sat there next to the boy she had developed feelings for, she didn't mind him using that name. In fact, she found herself liking it.

"I swear, Pete, this is like signing a death contract," Diana warned him once more, her voice tinged with both caution and affection.

Peter smiled and lifted her hand and kissed the back of it lightly, "Diana, you're the poison I'd take over and over again no matter if it killed me or not."

"Oh, shut up." Diana chuckled and beamed brightly, a mixture of happiness and surprise in her eyes. "But, yes. I'd be honored to be your homecoming date, Mr. Parker."

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now