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016. ❛ stubborn doors.

PETER LAID IN A meticulously crafted spiderweb hammock suspended between two imposing containers. He had taken the time to create a matching one for Diana, but she declined and continued exploring the area.

"Hey, suit lady," Peter pondered aloud, his brow furrowing. "I kinda feel bad calling you 'suit lady,' you know? I think I should probably give you a name... Like Diana. No, no, no. God, that's- that's weird." He crossed his arms, deep in thought, contemplating a suitable moniker. He then hooked a web to a container and swung out of the hammock lazily, lowering himself to the ground.

"What about Karen?" he suggested, his voice resonating with uncertainty as if seeking validation from the suit's AI.

"You can call me Karen if you would like." responded the AI, offering a gentle approval to Peter's suggestion.

PETER NOW FELT THE need for a change of scenery and decided to indulge in some reading. However, being the adventurous soul that he was, he opted for an unconventional reading position. He was hanging upside down from a web, defying gravity.

"Hey, Karen," Peter called out, addressing his trusty A.I. companion. "What else can this suit do?" As he spoke, a sense of anticipation tingled in his voice, eager to discover something new and extraordinary.

In response to his inquiry, the sleek suit sprang into action. Its remarkable design unfolded, revealing a set of wings gracefully expanding from under Peter's arms. The sudden transformation took him by surprise, leaving him momentarily breathless with awe.

"Whoa," Peter gasped, his eyes widening in sheer wonder. The wings extended and shimmered, glistening in the ambient light.

PETER NOW FOUND HIMSELF standing before a towering wall, his senses tingling as his gaze fell upon the intricate web pattern stretching across it. His iconic Spider-Man suit shimmered with a vibrant display of the arachnid emblem, projecting a symbol of responsibility and power onto the wall's surface. With a determined expression, he meticulously assessed his array of web-shooting options, his mind racing with strategic possibilities.

Diana had returned about ten minutes ago and was now reading a book from Peter's bag on the web-made hammock, using Peter's decathlon jacket to keep herself warm in the cold building.

Meanwhile, Diana had returned to their area, her presence bringing a welcome touch of familiarity and warmth to the otherwise cold and desolate building. Nestled comfortably on a web-made hammock, delicately crafted by Peter himself, she immersed herself in the pages of a book she had discovered within Peter's bag. The air carried a subtle chill, but Peter had offered his decathlon jacket to keep her warm, which was now draped gently around her shoulders.

"Maybe we should run that refresher course," Peter suggested and continued to experiment with his web configurations. Time slipped away, dissolving into a blur of anticipation and curiosity. Each web option he tested brought him closer to perfecting his craft, enhancing his abilities as the masked hero swinging through the city's skyscrapers.

PETER WAS NOW LAYING on his back on one of the containers, staring up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. Diana had fallen asleep not too long ago, so Peter was bored.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now