Chapter 3- Too Much

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If I was given a brand new Ferrari, what would I do with it?

Would I jump in and drive it and drive it until it could go no more? Or would I keep it stored in the garage so that it stayed perfect forever?

If it didn't belong to me, I feel that I would be more likely to drive it like the wind. I would not have the responsibility of keeping the tank full, regularly changing the oil, and maintaining the vehicle. All I could do is just drive off.

If I did own my dream car, I would want it to look superb. I would probably keep it stored up, even though I would be really proud of it.

 So maybe I feel that the responsibility would be too much for me. It isn't like I couldn't do it; I just don't think I'm up for it. I would rather enjoy it with no ownership than have something that was mine.

I am ashamed of that, but some times things just get to be too much for me in the world. It's a part of my shame.


...The following summer... in may...

"I hate moving!" I heard Konnie holler for the umpteenth time. She must forget that I can hear perfectly fine, and I have heard her when she made her statement the previous billion times.

Konnie and I are finally in California, our summer destination. It is our first day here. We literally just arrived the previous night. So now here we are, unpacking and reorganizing our many belongings in the duplex that we are renting together.

Actually, allow me to correct myself. I am unpacking and organizing Konnie's stuff. Basically the only things I brought were my clothing and Lady Bliss. It really wasn't necessary to haul everything to California because our duplex is already furnished.

But of course Konnie had to bring every item to her name. I declare, she could start her own walmart if she wanted to.

It is understandable that Konnie hates moving; it is a lot of work. But she isn't really even doing anything.

To her credit, she started unpacking a box of her old scrap books, but that is where her contribution to the organizing ended. It didn't take her long to begin looking at one. Now she has spent the past few hours staring at images of her past self and complaining about her strong dislike for moving.

The squeaky wheel always gets the grease.

It must be true because I got tired of her belering and started helping her with a box of her junk. Right now I am unpacking these plastic plates that look like a four year old decorated them. That probably is a good assumption as to what happened to the weird dishes.

"Meow," A banging sound followed. I nearly dropped a grayish plate with a sloppy rainbow drawn across it when I heard a voice that didn't belong to Konnie.

"Lady Bliss?" I called out. "Do you know where my cat went?" I asked Konnie.

Konnie put the scrapbook that she had been looking at back in the box and selected another one. "I don't know. I wish you hadn't even bothered bringing that stupid creature along. She is just trouble."

I cannot understand how Konnie could so easily dislike Lady Bliss. Who wouldn't just love a cute, furry, little animal who cuddles and makes meowing sounds all the time. Putting Konnie's things aside, I rose to search for my pet.

Lady Bliss was in the kitchen. The trashcan was knocked over and nearly half of her little body was hidden in it.

"Bliss? What are you up to, girl?" Yup, I do talk to my cat. I have this weird theory that she can somehow understand what I say. When she heard me, Lady Bliss turned her fat face to look at me, then she resumed her eating.

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