Chapter 19- No matter what it takes

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If you play with fire, you will get burned.

One single match can light the whole box on fire.

 Fire can always be seen. The stars are nothing but burning balls of fire, and they are seen from billions upon billions of miles away. Fire is especially noticeable at night when there is nothing brighter to see in the darkness.

 La. La la la, La la la. Oo.

I've noticed one thing. When little kids accidentally touch something hot or fire, they never want to touch it again. It's hot and it burns. Oh even the lower intelligence creatures know that fire burns. They stay away without being told.

We don't make the same mistake twice on purpose. Na na.

Oh look, there is a sledge hammer. I'm going to drop it on my foot and see what happens. OW! ...Five minutos later. Oh yeah, there is the sledge hammer that broke my foot, but, But but, I bet it won't hurt if I drop it on my other foot. Why don't I try it again? OWWWW!---Yeah, says nobody, EVER!

 We make a stupid mistake once, and we learn from it. Keep it from repeating. That's why I hate stupid mistakes. There is no such thing as a smart mistake; mistakes are just mistakes. Unintentional. We all know to stay away from fire. We've seen what it can do, its power.


 I slapped myself awake once more. How does it feel to be dying? I have this theory that it feels an awful lot like how I currently feel. Ha awful- get it? No.

Well I don't get much either. I just physically feel awful. My mind is ninety nine point nine percent certain I am suffering from some disease. Erm, I don't mean disease; I am so not a walking infection. Just, I feel so sick.

When I close my eyes, my eyelids are so hot that the skin feels like it's burning itself. I'm suffering. I have already blown my nose so many times that the skin right under my nose is red rough and raw. My miseries couldn't end with my nose.

 It could, and I would be perfectly pleased but it doesn't. Somewhere buried deep in my chest is this deep, harsh cough that I declare is trying its best to kill me. Coughs are said to be non intelligent, but my hacking throat gives me the illusion of being strangled. Strangling is a said sign of intelligence, no? Eh.

 I was coughing and hacking, blowing my nose every five minutes. I bet I could get more work done if I didn't work at all. My body feels awful. It is freezing, and I want nothing more to collapse on top of my bed and never get up.

 La. La. I have to work. This morning I took two Tylenol and two ivyprofen, which is the maximum amount the bottle says to take, but it's got to be worn off by now. I don't know how long Tylenol's effects are supposed to last; it is obviously not long enough today.

"Hey Avery, got anything else for me to do for ya?" The new secretary strolled in; she is my replacement, the secretary who took my place when Jason came and made me work for him. I'll stop complaining about that though; as much as I hate to say it, he is a pretty decent boss. Surprising, I know, but he is.

The new secretary person is annoying, more annoying than I ever was. All she does is talk. I never talk unless I have a reason to talk. But she never stops talking unless she is given a reason to stop. I haven't given her a nickname yet because she hasn't exactly given me a reason to hate her yet though. I only hate people when I have a reason to.

I'm not really sure what her name is though. I think it's something like Stacy. I'll just call her Stacy. So when I heard her high pitched voice, I looked up. "Uh no sorry, not-" I broke off into a mini coughing attack. Seriously, all my life I have been under the mistaken impression that our bodies want to live. I think mine is trying to choke out a lung.

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