Chapter 13- Turning point

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I'm not especially talented, but I have made the conclusion that nobody is actually born with flat out talent. I mean, there are tons of extremely talented people in the world, but they're talented because they try.

See, what if a person was destined to be a really talented piano player, yet they never bothered to play the piano?

Fifteen years ago, I had absolutely no idea how to play the piano. Then I learned and everyone around me said I was talented at it. I wasn't talented from birth; talent needs to be developed. Then I stopped playing. I bet now, if I attempted to play, I wouldn't be able to do it. It isn't because I'm lacking in the talent; it's because I stopped trying.

Has anyone noticed that when they open a bag of chips, the first big ones on top are always the best. Ever wonder why that is? Is it because thery're the freshest? Is it because they're the biggest? Is it because you're the hungriest when you eat them?

No. The first big chips in the bag are the best because they're not broken. They're perfect and wonderful and whole.

I don't think anybody needs to know it all. That saves me because I don't know much. Human minds have the capacity to learn and expand. That is everyone's saving grace.


Just in case you were wondering, it is now supposed to be late July or early August in this story, time wise.

All the time. I have trouble trusting all the time. I can say that I'll trust you as much as I want, but that doesn't mean I can. Really, it has nothing to do with anyone. It's just me.

I love how my innocent little cat can trust me so easily. I watch her hobble to me and look at me with her pure blue eyes and know that she isn't worrying about anything.

Whenever I sit down, my fluffy white pet will jump on my lap. Because I don't want her to damage herself anymore, I can yell at her saying, "Lady Bliss, don't jump on your hurt leg." But then she'll turn around and gaze at me with her cute blue eyes. She knows as much as I do, all is quickly forgiven.

Lady Bliss almost got as excited as I did when Jason texted me because she likes the beepy sound that my phone made. I was just excited because I don't get texts very often from anyone, that is, with the new exception of Jason.

Jason: I'm free today. Be ready to go in ten.

Oh, I best hurry then. Thanks, Jason, for the early warning. Everything must just be on the spur of the moment for him.

He actually arrived in eight minutes instead of the specified ten, so he had to wait in the car for two minutes because I needed those minutes. Jason didn't really care; he had plenty of fun honking the horn until I came.

"Don't you have to work or something today?" I asked. I was attempting to act annoyed but failing miserably.

"Nope, how am I ever supposed to see you with my ever busy schedule? I just worked five days straight, so I get today off."

I rolled my eyes and put my seat belt on. He saw me every single one of those days, and he knows it. "Oh, life is so tough."

"Uh huh," Jason nods with this little kid face. Whatever. "Anyways, did you have any plans for the day?"

Let's see, plans, plans, plans. "Um, yeah actually. I have a hair appointment today, and Konnie thinks that I should dye my hair brown, and I don't know what to do. What's your opinion?"

"I'm not the best person to ask, but if you want my honest opinion, I'd leave it as it is.You're beautiful as you are."

Well, he is a guy. He doesn't know anything. I guess he wanted to sit and watch my hair curl or something because he came in with me.

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