Chapter 4- Current

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You need it to live, but too much of it will kill you. If you are in it too long, your skin will become wrinkly, yet your body is full of it.

So any guesses on what it is? Well, it be water.

How interesting that the very thing a body needs the most is the very thing that could kill the body. Apparently too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Water is also said to be a good conductor of electricity, but I learned otherwise in chemistry class.

Clean water, in it's purest form, doesn't conduct anything. However, it is the impurities in the water that do.

But just because the water is pure, it still isn't safe. Don't try dropping your radio in the bath tub with you because the salts from a person's body would be enough.

Water is a source of life, just one that wears a caution sign. Excessive amounts or a lack of it could cause the precious heart to stop its beating.


As the sun peaked over the horizon, I felt its rays of warmth and knew it was going to be a lovely day. A day spent with the sun, the water, and me. Oh, I was looking forward to it.

I was acting like a giddy little kid.

This would be like a first for me. I had never been to the beach. I just somehow feel that pictures of the beach don't do it justice. In fact, the only thing a picture of the beach ever did to me was make me want to be there. I wanted to see it and discover its beauty with my own eyes.

When I prepared myself this morning, I couldn't help but smile at my mirror. It really is true that my mirror shows how I feel in the morning. Right now, my reflection looks excited.

I have dark blonde hair that has nearly grown past my shoulder blades. I just pulled it into a ponytail today. My dark blue eyes were sparkling.

My blue eyes and blonde hair are both things that my parents gave me; I treasure the few things I have from my parents.

Just like a child, I eagerly packed my beach bag with my beach stuff. My beach stuff would include sunglasses, a towel, some money, and my phone.

My attire for the day consisted of black shorts and a white t-shirt. I was of course wearing my swimsuit underneath.

Upon arriving at the beach, I all too eagerly kicked off my dark green flip flops. My bare feet shivered with the delight of feeling the sand underneath them.

I mentioned that it was early in the morning. Normally, I detest being awake before nine, but this was completely worth it. Konnie said she would meet me here later; she doesn't know what she's missing.

The sun is glistening across my face. I can just feel the energy of it pulsing through my body. I have never seen so much water in one place. It looks so calm and inviting; I just have to be in it.

I can feel my own blood pumping through my veins. I allowed the energy in my chest to spread across my body. It felt so good.

There were a few kids playing and splashing in the water too.

It has always been part of my secret dream to get married to someone who really loves me and have children of my own. I can practically imagine my husband playfully splashing me with water. I can nearly hear our kids' chattering voices. But the longer I live, the farther my dream seems to be. Really, I haven't met anyone I love, and I'm twenty years old already.

However, I don't need kids to enjoy the beach.

I decided it was finally time for me to get my first feel of the ocean.

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