Chapter 25- Forward

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It seems to be that world has actually progressed a lot. I mean, nothing seems like it's progressed, but it is. In the big picture, the world has changed and improved itself a lot.

People used to think the earth was flat. People used to think the sun and planets rotated around earth. People used to think there was life on the moon. People used to think a lot of things. People used to think a lot of things that weren't true.

And, people still do think things that aren't true.

But the seasons keep changing, and the years keep passing. The world kept turning.

People figured out how to make stuff. People figured out how to do stuff. People figured out stuff.

We learned how to make soap. We learned how to make pizza. We learned how to make chocolate. We learned how to make ice cream. We've traveled the world. We know the world is round. We put a man on the moon. We've done it.

I always thought that going to school was stupid. Going to school was a stupid waste of my time. Going to school is how I learn the things that took rest of the world lifetimes to figure out. I learn it, so that we don't have to re-discover it. I learn and try to remember.

All the time that people spent discovering electricity or discovering a new world, the people were discovering what it meant to be human.

I can't remember everything I learn, but I do know that the world is round.


 Jason was fine. I was fine. The world was fine. How is the world ever fine? It seemed fine. Jason told me he was fine, and I will believe it after I've seen real proof of that. Of course I don't think he's really fine fine. The guy was shot; the guy was bleeding. The guy didn't have a heart beat.

Did I ever say it's possible to live without? I did say it was possible to do without. But I can't live without breathing. I can't live without a heartbeat. And I don't want to be without. Doing without is just stupid. Yes, very stupid.

I don't believe things very easily, and I don't accept change easily.

Jason was shot, and when he came to in the hospital, he only cared about two things. He cared about me, and he cared that someone else got put to jail. Honestly, I would be caring more about myself if I had gotten shot.

He told me I left my pop in his car; he told me he had been bringing it back. My pop. That's why he had come back. My green can of Mountain Dew with four swallows left; my can of pop that was warm and flat. Little Jason. I could be a corpse if he hadn't decided to bring me my flat pop. I love him.

I was worried sick about him. I held his hand in the ambulance. I got in the paramedics' way; it's not my fault I cared so much.

The whole way to the hospital, I had this ache in my gut. My stomach hurt. I was really worried. It felt like some acid floating in my gut was going to explode in my stomach. The pain has finally dissipated though.

 He told me that he was fine. He left the hospital earlier than the doctor person recommened just to show me how fine he was. Jason wanted to show me that he was fine. He said the world was fine if I was fine. I was fine if he was fine.

If I could snap my fingers, I would snap my fingers, and it would all be fine. I don't know where Jason got shot or why his heart stopped, but he's wearing a sling now. He told me that was fine because his other hand was not in a sling, and he could hold my hand with his free hand. I said there was no way that he would be holding my hand. Jason smirked and said he most certainly was. He grabbed my hand to prove it, and I didn't fight because I didn't want to hurt him.

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