Chapter 8- Never the less

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They say that passion is like fire. It burns ever brighter.

When something is on fire, it tends to spread. If a person were on fire, imagine how the fire would spread. Every time that person moved and everything that person touched would go up in flames.

So passion is fire. What if a person was full of passion? They'd be so excited about whatever they were passionate about that they would spread their excitement to everyone that they come in contact with. When a person is really excited about something, they can't hide it.

I once went on a road trip with this one girl who was extremely passionate about pro-life stuff. I never really thought much on the matter, and I really wasn't that excited about it all. But that girl was.

By the end of the trip, everyone in the van knew how passionate she was about it. I was completely enthused about it, but it was like she spread her flame. Once the trip was over, I will admit that I was affected.

I won't say that I suddenly became as thrilled as she was, but there was a new part of me that then started to consider things that ordinarily would not have crossed my mind.

I guess it's hard not to get affected by someone's roaring passion. If I'm near a bonfire, sooner or later I'm going to feel the heat. Sooner or later, I'm going to feel the passion.

When I'm cold, warmth is irresistable. I'm drawn to it like a fly to a lamp. I'm drawn to it because it's compelling.


Lady Bliss better appreciate this. She better appreciate how I woke up at seven thirty in the morning for her.

I am using Lady Bliss as my reason for going to Jason's church. I'm not really much of a church person, but I'd do anything for my cat.

Maybe I'm also going for Jason. I do believe I mentioned that I only bother spending my time on someone who tries to get to know me. Well, Jason is trying. Jason is taking his good time to talk to me. It's only fair that I follow my rule and go to his little church. I shouldn't encourage him, but it's just church. Surely I can rough it for a day to show Jason my appreciation for his efforts.

I woke up early so that I could make sure that I looked nice. From my experience, all the stuffy church people tend to glare down their noses at people who aren't 'wearing their best' to church. I really don't enjoy dressing up all that much, but I hate being looked down on.

I wore my favorite glittery silver top with these khakis that were a little too tight for me because I somehow managed to get the wrong size. That is what happens when I try on pants at a shop, then tell the clerk that I'll take a pair of khakis of the same size. Yup, she ended up grabbing me a size too small. Never trust the words of someone else when you can check it yourself.

My hair was left down. I just straightened it, and it looked pretty as it was so I left it be. The days that my hair actually looks pretty are far and few between.

Jason had somehow gotten my phone number and texted me the address of his church. I believe Konnie gave it to him because I'm quite certain that I never gave him the opportunity to get into my phone.

Am I the only one who feels that nine o'clock in the morning is extremely early for a church service? Whoever wakes up that early on a Sunday just to go to church must be a really dedicated Christian. It's so early, I can barely focus.

When I was eating breakfast, I spilled my grape juice all over me. I am so not a morning person. It is certainly a good thing that I wasn't dressed yet; I would have been mad if my favorite shirt got ruined. I really don't care what happens to my khakis. They don't fit me well anyways, so they're kind of uncomfortable. But I was disappointed that my juice spilled. I wanted to drink that. Grape juice is my favorite.

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