|Nightmares| Garry X Shy! Reader ~Ib~

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(Attempted Fluff)
[REQUESTED- MirajaneHime]

You walk slowly and cautiously to the next room. There were many disturbing and strange sculptures and paintings. You walk to the right side of the room to inspect a certain painting. When you got close, you were able to read the title. "Lady in red..." You read out loud.

Suddenly, the girl in the painting reached out her hands to grab you. "Eek!" You squeal. You step back from it and ran to the closest door.

"Locked?!" You thought.

The painting caught up to you making you gasp. You ran around the sculpture. You look around the room for a key. You spot the key that was just on the ground. You quickly pick it up and continue running. The red girl in the painting continues going after. Just when you were a few steps away from the door, it grabbed your leg.

"L-Let go!" You yell as you roughly pushed it away. You dash to the door and put the key in the knob. You go in the door and quickly shut it close. You walk to another door. Everything around you started to blur. You collapsed before you were able to open the door.



Who's that?

"Hey, wake up."

I... What happened?

"Just open your eyes."

Oh yeah... I fainted. I need to wake up.

You try to force your eyes open. Once you opened your eyes, you could see a blurred figure right in front of you.

"Thank goodness your awake." The figure says.

"W-Who are you?" You ask, looking away. "My name is Garry. I'm from the art gallery and then I ended up here. Oh dear, could you possibly be from the gallery?" He questioned. You nod lightly in response.

"Do you have a rose?"

You hold up your (f/c) rose. "a (f/c) rose... Mine is blue." He said, showing me his rose. "It has a lot of petals." You comment in your usual soft voice.

"Well, it was like this when I got it. Anyways, you can stay and rest for a while. We'll move out once you're ready." He said.

"U-Umm... Your coat?" You ask bringing it up to him. "You can use it. We're probably not leaving for quite a while." He responds with a small smile.

He goes off to read a certain book from a shelf while you lean on the wall, trying to sleep with Garry's coat covering you.


This was around the fifth time you woke up. Whenever you get the chance to fall asleep, you would wake up a few minutes or seconds after a nightmare.

You slowly stand and head to Garry. You tug on his shirt. He turns towards you and asks, "Oh, (y/n)! Did you have a good rest?" He asks, kneeling down to your level. (A/N: I'm not that short! DX)

"U-Umm... I-I can't sleep well. Can I s-sleep n-next you?" You mutter in a soft voice. "I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?"

You take a deep breath. "C-C-Can I-I sleep next t-to you? I-I had a-a nightmare." You stutter with a huge blush spread across your face.

"Umm... Of course..." Garry replies with a hint of pink on his cheeks. He walks over to where you are sitting and joins you. You yawn as you rub your eyes. "Goodnight, Garry." You mumble, slowly drifting to sleep. You lean on Garry's shoulder as you slept soundly.

He smiles softly, stroking your hair. "Sweet dreams, (y/n)."

A/N: Sorry for taking long in updating. I was... Well... I was either really lazy, or I just had too much fun with my cousins. Anyways, I apologize if this was not that well written. I put attempted fluff at the start because I'm trying to make it fluff. It might not be considered fluff. Fluff isn't my specialty, but I'm writing it even if it's horrible or just okay.


Gomenasai! *bows something degrees cuz I'm trying to act Japanese* (lol. Fails miserably)

And also,

Thanks for reading. Your reads are appreciated. ;D


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