|I Won't Forget| Suga X Shiori ~The Forest of Drizzling Rain~

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Shiori sits on the chair with her arm on the dining table. She put her hand to her chin as she chewed Suga's cooking which looked like charcoal, but was surprisingly edible.

She stared of into space while waiting for Suga to come eat with her. After all, breakfast tastes better with company.

After gulping down her breakfast, she put her plate on the sink and opened the door to peek at the library entrance which was right outside the dining room.

Much to her dismay, he wasn't there. She sighs then heads out for a walk.

The town was small, indeed. It was nothing like the city she used to live in. But of course, countryside has a beauty that the city does not have.

Shiori stops when she spots a black cat passing by. The cat glanced at her then hissed. She laughed a bit at the thought that came to her mind.

She kneels down and strokes the cat's chin with her finger. It soon ceases its hissing then started to purr. She gives a gentle smile as she stands to take her leave.

"Just like Suga..." She mutters. She remembered the time when Suga acted hostile and unfriendly. Now, she can clearly say that that wasn't the case.

Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder. By instinct, she flinches and squeals. She turns around to see an apologetic Suga.

He opens his mouth to speak, but then decides against it. He hooks the plastic bag to his elbow and then writes on a memo.


Shiori shakes her head and replies, "It's okay. But Suga, you should really start speaking." He writes on the memo again.

"I'll try..."

Shiori grins widely at an idea that popped into her head. "Okay. Try calling my name!" She suggests. Suga's eyes widen. He quickly shakes his head as a shade of red appeared across his cheeks.

Shiori pouts. "You did it before though..." He sighs and then takes a deep breath. "Sh-Shii-chan..." He muttered softly, the blush on his cheeks spread all over his face.

She giggles a bit. She gives a warm smile before walking towards him.

"Let's go home."

She nods in reply and walks next to him. "Suga... We'll always be together, right?" She asks while looking straight ahead.

He stays silent. Well, he always was. But this time, it was because he was deep in thought. He writes on the memo and shows it to me.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"I promise I won't forget you like before." I answer. I smile with a with a distant look.

"I absolutely won't..."

"No matter what happens..."

That's right, Suga.

I promised to you.

I won't forget.

No matter what happens to you.

No matter what happens to me...

"Mommy! Mommy!" The children cried. It was not the cute kind of cry people hear from infants. This one was sinister and evil.

"Mommy! MOMMY!" Their voices grew louder and louder. The words started to sound more unclear and haunting.

The girl stood in between the children who circled around her with eerie smiles. With a blank look, the girl looks at the ground as she whispers...



"Aren't you glad they decided to keep the library?" The officer asks with a grin. "Yeah." The dark-haired boy replies.

"By the way, thank you for finding that little girl. I swear, she causes many problems! Last time, she shut herself in her room saying 'I dont want to forget' over and over again. But yesterday, she said that she doesn't remember anything." The officer complains.

"But you still take care of her." The boy responds. The officer scratches the back of his head with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.

"I'm still not used to your voice, Suga. How did you get it back?" He asks. "The library, my voice, all of it is back thanks to Shii..." Suga trails off as his eyes widen.

"Hey, you alright?" The officer asks, waving a hand in front of his face. "I'm fine. I just thought I forgot something important." He replies.

"I won't forget you... Even if you forget me..."

A/N: Sorry for the very long wait! I actually had a hard time with this. This isn't the best, so I'll try to make it up to you guys who still read this book.

Also, I'll hold off dedicating for the ones who requested because I'm focusing more on school and writing.

And........ Requests are open again! ^_^

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