|Goodbye Memories| William X Dragon! Reader ~LiEat II~

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[REQUESTED - Loser_Artist12356]

"Let me introduce you two. (y/n), this is William. Call him Will." You gave a small wave and a polite smile to the timid white-haired boy. He stepped out from behind Sofia with a shy smile. "H-Hi..."

"Will here is 14 years old like you. He has worked here for almost 3 years, so he'll be the one to show you the ropes around here." She explains. She pushed Will slightly, making him flustered.

It was strange, but you felt a strange connection with the guy. Keeping that in mind, you extended your hand to him with a warm smile on your face.

"Nice to meet you, Will!"


It has been a couple of years since started working for Sofia. She lets you clean the second floor and only lets you go to the first floor when all thr customers have left. Strange, but you didn't question it. After all, you had the happiest moments there. You even got close to Will, who you later found out was just like you. You were both dragons. Perhaps that was why you felt a connection.

You had just finished cleaning the second floor so you took a break in your room. A soft knock on the door wad heard, making you smile. "You can come in."

Will entered the room with the small, timid smile he always had. You pat the spot in the bed next to you, gesturing for him to lie down with you. He did so without complaining.

You had expected him to be flustered at the situation, but you both had already done this a couple of times so it was no longer a big deal.

"Hey, Will..." You say in a soft, but audible voice. "Yes?" He responds. She turns her body towards him and asks, "For some reason, I know that I'm a dragon. But why can't I remember my ability?"

The corner of his soft smile twitched a but as he shifted in his place uncomfortably. "Maybe you haven't discovered it yet." He responds, not sounding sure of his own answer. You frown at this and look at the floor, deep in thought.

"You can dreams and therefore, manipulate what people dream. What do I feed on and what ability do I have?" She questions aloud, not really expecting an answer from the gentle, white-haired boy.

"I hope you'll find out someday." He says. You force a smile his direction and mutter your thanks. "But I wonder why I don't get hungry even though I don't eat anything." Will doesn't reply and only looks across the room with a solemn look.


A couple of days passed since that conversation with Will. Just like any other day, you already finished cleaning the second floor. You had the same, simple job all the time. You can do more than the job you were given.

You decided to clean the hall in the first floor. The hall had a few customers. Hearing loud chattering from the rooms, you figured that most of the customers must be in the rooms.

As you approach a room at your left, you catch a glance of people holding up cards. Suddenly, a small deformed animal creature appears behind you.

You look at it and then pet its head. For some reason, looking at it made you hungry. "What are you, weird thing?" You didn't expect it to speak to you, but it did.

"yyUy yAyyYy... i WilL kIll HiM..."

Startled, you quickly pulled your hand away. You step back from the creature and then turned to make your way back to the second floor.

You lean against the wall, panting and gasping for air. "That thing... I feed on that evil thing?" You mutter to yourself in between pants.

Suddenly, a man's scream erupts from the first floor. William rushes upstairs to Sofia's room without knocking. You follow behind him, concerned about what went on downstairs.

"Mom, someone got stabbed!" Will exclaims. Sofia's eyes widen at the sudden news. "What happe- Nevermind. Let's check the situation." Sofia walks out with Will following behind her.

"(y/n), stay there. Don't go down." Sofia orders. Though you immediately disobeyed them once they were out of sight.

Upon reaching the scene, you saw a man getting cuffed and a corpse whose face was covered with a black cloth. You realized that the weird creature was still there.

"Yyyyy...... DiEyyyy..."

You stood there, frozen at the realization that it may have been you who jad caused the death of the man. The eerie creatures that appeared were probably some kind of desire or intention of the man. If you hadn't ran away, you could have prevented it.

Sofia notices you and nudges Will to go to you. He rushes to your side. "(y/n), you shouldn't be here." Your face paled as you muster the courage to tell him. "It's my fault... My fault....." You could see the worry in his eyes as he escorts you to your room.

Once you reached the room, you sat down on the bed with a blank expression. It was silent until you decided to speak up. "I could have stopping him from getting stabbed. It's my ability. It's like I killed the man myself."

You could feel something dark and despairing crawling up your skin as you continue to dwell on the matter. Will quickly goes over to you and pulls you into a tight embrace. The dark aura slowly faded away as you let yourself be embraced.

"It's not your fault." He says, gripping you tighter in his arms. You calmed down at once. Will, then, pulls the sheets and gestures for you to crawl in, which you did.

He kisses your forehead as he pull the blanket over your shoulders. "You should get some rest." He suggests. It wasn't hard to do as you were really tired and mentally drained.

As you were sleeping, Sofia comes in and leans at the doorframe. "It's the fifth time that she's almost been overtaken. It gets worse every time. If this keeps up, there may be no next time for her. " Sofia says. Will lets out a small sigh and then looks at your sleeping face.

"Did you do it already?" Sofia asked. Will shakes his head and responds. "Not yet. I'll do it now." He looks at you with a sorrowful gaze. "

"Until we can find a solution, I'll be erasing your memories, (y/n). "

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back!!! It's been like a year since I updated. Gonna upload some pending requests soon.

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