|A Twisted Always| Yandere! Garry X Yandere! Reader ~Ib~

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It was a dark night. Or so you assumed it to be. There was no windows to be able to tell and of course there was no clock.

How long has it been since you entered this strange part of the gallery? For sure it has been hours, but how many?

It has been one obstacle after the other. You had already gotten tired of the non-stop walking and running. Your whole body trembled and then at last, your legs gave out.

"(Y/n)!" Garry calls out as he quickly kneeled next to you. "Are you okay?" He asks. You barely manage to nod.

He looks around and then back at you. "Let's take a break here."

After a long moment of rest, you both decide to continue walking. At last, you arrived in a room that was mostly white. Your eyes landed at the pink box in front of you. You walk towards it with Garry following after you.

"What is this?" You ask in confusion. "You want to know?"

Hearing a familiar voice, you both look back to see Mary. But before you could say anything, she pushed both of you into the box. You fall watching her satisfied, yet sinister smile. She held your rose as she giggled.

Your eyes widen, but you slowly black out as you were about to feel the impact of your fall.


It was dim, but dim enough to see. You slowly get up feeling a stinging sensation on your leg and hips. The fall must have caused a few minor bruises.

You stand up and look around. Garry was nowhere in sight. The only thing you could spot around you were creepy dolls and mannequins. You would have screamed out his name if it weren't for your delusion of these things coming to life.

You wander around the eerie room in search for Garry. You were about to head back from where you started when you trip on some lump on the ground.

You squeal as you fall over a lump of something. Hearing a soft groan of pain, you look below you to see an unconscious Garry.

You quickly got off him and shook his shoulder. "Garry... Garry! Wake up!"

He turns to his side, his eyes fluttering open. "(Y/n)?" He questions.

You sigh in relief as he tries to sit up. Once he sat up, he looked around him then back at you. "What is this place?" He asks. "It's hard to believe we're in a box, right?" you respond. He nods as he stands.

He puts his hand in his coat, trying to reach something. He pulls out a blue rose and sighs in relief. He then looks at you and asks, "Is your rose okay?"

You press your hand against your pocket, but felt nothing. "Oh no. It's gone." Your eyes widen as you start to panick. "(Y/n), don't worry. We'll look for it."

He looks around with a frightening expression. "I'll kill her..." He mutters, not knowing that you heard him. You feel a chill down your spine, but you continue searching for your rose.

They wander around the place when they spot a familiar blonde. "(y/n)! Garry!" She squeals with an eerie giggle.

Garry stands in front of you with a dark expression on his face as he takes up a protective stance. Mary frowns at this but then grins again.

"Don't be like that! Weren't you looking for this?" Mary pulls out a red rose. "You...!" Garry glares coldly at her. "Give that back." He demands in a tone that sent chills up my spine.

"Are you sure you should be like that?"

She slowly pulls the first petal and then throws it to the ground. You feel a stinging pain in your chest which made you fall to your knees. "(Y/n)!" Garry calls out in concern.

He looks at you then to Mary. He slowly walks to her, making Mary grin even wider. "Here. Take mine instead." Your eyes widen. "No... Garry, what are you doing?"

She giggles, accepting his rose. "What a great choice! I happen to like the color blue a lot! You can have this back." She throws your rose to him and then dashes off.

Just then, the atmosphere changed. The dolls started to become alive. "(Y/n), we have to get out of here." You nod in response.

You both make your way to the exit. Garry kicking everything that comes too close. It left a bad feeling in your stomach, but you had no choice.

Once you reach inside, Garry collapses against a wall. "Garry! Are you alright?" You ask. "I'm fine... Take this and go ahead... I'll catch up..." He mutters weakly giving your rose and a lighter.

You notice a few petals on the floor. Now you were sure that Mary really wasn't planning to let you both leave alive.

"I'll be back." you say to Garry. You quickly head into a room where you see a painting.

"What are you doing here?"

You turn back to see Mary. She was very panicked while you were not fazed. "Stay away from it... Stay away!!!"

She starts chasing youwith the knife that you found in her hand. You run to the painting with Garry's lighter in your hand. "NO! One more step and Garry will...!" Your eyes widen as you see the rose on her hand that only had one petal left.

You put down the lighter making the blonde smile in relief. "We can stay here forever, right? Together?"

You pause for a long time, anxious about Garry's condition. After a while, you nod. "I won't understand unless you answer me." She taunts, knife still in heg tight grip.

"Yes..." You answer. Mary smiles as she holds out Garry's rose to you. You thought she was going to give it to you. When you were about to get it, she pulls out the final petal.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You screech, slapping her wrist which let the dead rose fall from her grip.

"We'll be together. He doesn't have to be here." Mary answers with a relieved yet twisted smile. "I won't forgive you..." You mutter under your breath.

You push Mary away as you rapidly made your way to the painting. Without hesitation, you hold the lighter at the corner of the painting. "Take that!" You yell as you had a triumphant look.

"NOOO!" Mary falls on her knees and disappears along with the painting.

You lean against the wall, panting as you try to catch your breath. "It's over... But Garry..."

With little strength left in you, your hand is pressed on the wall to support you as you walk. Your eyes tear up at the sight of Garry. "Why?" You ask. But there was no reply.

Your legs give out halfway. You drag yourself on the ground across the hallway, desperate to reach Garry.

You pull his lifeless body towards you letting a tear fall. You rest his head on your lap as more tears flow down your cheeks.

"It's okay now, Garry. I won't leave you. That witch is dead." You stroke his face with the back of your palm.

"I'll be with you always. No one is allowed to touch you."

A/N: There's more reader yandere than Garry yandere. I had fun writing this. I hope you guys enjoyed this too. :)

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