Ian Is Gay

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Kalel's Pov

~ Two Months Later ~

It's been two months since Anthony finally remembered. So much has happened.

Well not really. The only good thing that happened was that Ashlee was finally caught and has been put in jail.

Thank god for that. If I ever saw her face again, I would literally grab a hammer and karate chop her.

"It's freakin' March and we only have two months left until we leave High School and go into the real world." I said to Anthony, as I started walking to the park closest to the school.

It was the end of the school day and means Anthony decided to go on a walk!

I know what you guys are thinking right now. That we're freakin' awesome for taking a walk. I'm a good person that actually works out!

I spotted a bench and sat there, taking in all of the beautiful scenery and whatnot.

"Hey babe!" Anthony says. He sat beside me and put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I smirked. What a cliché move. Way to go Anthony!

"So, I was wondering . . . Would you go to Prom with me? I know this is a crappy way of asking but I was never goo-" I cut him off but bringing him into a kiss.

"Anthony of course I will! Who else would I go with?" I said smiling as he rested his on on top of mine.

"Well great! This, this is really great!" He said smiling down at me, "I've already bought the tickets so we don't have to worry about that part."

Suddenly, Melanie came running at us, screaming her head off. Anthony and I jumped away from each other from the screaming Melanie who sat in the middle of us.

She pushed off Anthony off the bench and pulled my arm. All while she was smiling like a crazy psychopathic person.

"What the firetruck Melanie? Why did you freakin' do that?" Anthony asked, whilst getting up and dusting himself off.

"I needed to tell Kuh-lel something? What else would I have done?" She said like everybody did that when they wanted to talk to someone.

"Now go away. I need to tell some stuff to Kalel." Anthony looked at her questionably, "What things are you gonna tell her?"

Melanie rolled her eyes, "Girl things, okay? Ya happy? Okay, now go the firetruck away!" She cried exasperated, throwing her hands up in the air.

Anthony rolled his eyes and walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

I watched him as he put his hands in his pockets and walked off into the distance.

"So what did you come here for?" I asked her curiously. She sighed loudly and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I have the most amazingest news that you will ever hear in your entire life!" She cried, throwing her hands up in the air, accidentally slapping my face.

"First of all, ow! Second, what is this amazing news? Is it about Ian?" She nodded excitedly as I rubbed my still hurt face.

"Well?" She looked at me blankly, "Are you gonna tell or are we just going to sit here and not say anything?"

"Oh yeah," she took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye.

"Ian . . . Is gay."

My eyes bulged out wide. "WHAT?!?!" I screamed.

"Nah, I'm just kidding! But you should've seen your face! Ah, that was priceless." Melanie cried laughing.

"Dude, what the heck?!?!" She rolled her eyes at me and stood up and started walking towards the swing set.

"Well to tell you the truth Kalel," she looked at me with sadness in her eyes, "The reason why I wanted to talk to you is because . . ."

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