Oh You Poor Soul

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I didn't start immediately, thank the Lord. The rest of the club pleaded Kyoya-bastard to let my wound to heal and wait until I don't need my crutches to walk.

But, unfortunately, I was made to attend the club and watch how things played out in this place. Kyoya even told me to take notes with that damn smug smirk on his face. Seriously, one of these days I am going to take those glasses and shove them up his skinny ass.

Anyway, I noted that the Hitachiin twins did these ridiculous yaoi acts. They even went as far as to perform incest yaoi acts. Sure, it's hot in manga or whatever, but in real life it's not as lovely.

Morinozuka-San was very overprotective of Haninozuka-San who did the boy lolita act. Tamaki-baka was the princely type and got most of the guests. Kyoya was just some creeper selling advertisements for the damn club.

Some of the girls gave me stink eyes when they noticed me during club hours. Most just ignored my presence and I was somewhat grateful for that.

Haninozuka-San skipped over to me while I was drawing another picture, grinning happily. I looked up and raised a brow. It was hard to believe that we were the same age, him being older than me by a few months.


"What is it?"

"Can you bake?" he asked curiously, his arms tightening around the pink bunny in them.

I tilted my head slightly and nodded a little. "Yeah, why?"

He grinned and twirled around me in speeds that I can't even catch with my eyes. His voice was slightly projected as he flint to different places. "Can you bake me some cake? Oh, how about strawberry, chocolate, or lime?!"

I grew dizzy and held my head. "Sure just please stop moving, Haninozuka-San!" I sighed in relief when he complied.

Kyoya herded the yellow gaggle of girls and locked the door behind them. "Excellent work today," he commented as he jotted down some notes in that Death Note book of his. I really think that he's Kira. Maybe I should call him that?

"Man, when is Zakuro-Senpai going to start?" I think Hikaru complained as he leaned on his twin's shoulder. 

"Her cast should be off by next week," Kyoya mentioned as he flipped through some pages and nodded his head in approval.

I flinched back. "That's really creepy how you know my personal life activities!" He said nothing, but he did smirk in my direction.

Tamaki stretched and unlocked the door as he passed by. Then he came over with my medicine bag with a smile. "Its been four hours, right?"

I smiled a bit. Okay so Tamaki wasn't so bad. But he is still an idiot. "Yeah. Thanks Tamaki!" I grabbed the bag and fished out the pills with a bottle of water. Just as I got ready to down them, the door to the club room opened and a shaggy haired boy with glasses stumbled in.

"Welcome!" the group greeted even though club hours were over. The boy gasped in surprise and fell back on the door. Humming, I quickly took my medicine and took a swig of water, watching the scene play out.

"Spurned, neglected! It doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! I welcome you my poor man to the world of beauty!" Tamaki made wild gestures and twirled about while secretly locking the door.

My eyes started drooping, but I managed to hear all of the commotion that Tamaki and the "gay" commoner was making. A crashing sound made me jolt up in surprise. Morinazuka-San placed his large hand on my shoulder to calm me. I gave him a grateful smile and looked over at the sound.

"Oh now you've done it, commoner!" Hikaru whined as he bends over to look at the shattered pieces of a vase.

"We were going to sell that at an auction for 8,000,000 ¥!" Kaoru added. My jaw dropped at the price and I could see that the commoner had the same reaction, trying to see how many hundreds were in a million.

"Uh," he laughed nervously as he glanced at all of us. "I'm gonna have to pay you back."

Hikaru scoffed. "With what money?"

Kaoru shook his head sadly as he finished his brother's sentence. "You can't even afford a school uniform!"

I grew offended. "Hey! I can't afford the school uniform!" The twins shrugged in an apologetic manner.

"At least you got style!" they grinned cheekily. I sighed and leaned back on the chair, my medication kicking in. The dull ache I felt in my leg dimmed and my conscious slipped.

"You'll become the Host Club's dog!" I vaguely heard Tamaki declare.

"Oh you poor soul," I mumbled as I fell into deep sleep.

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