Bitch Say What?

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I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming shut. Disoriented, I squinted around and made a confused face.

"Takashi, shh! You'll wake Kuro-Chan up!"

"My bad," Morinozuka-San responded in his monotone voice. The car door opened and the tall and silent senior ducked into the door way. When he saw that I was awake, he sent me a small, but warm smile. In my half-conscious state, I felt my face heat at the handsome face and shyly twiddled with my thumbs.

"Where are we?" I mumbled.

"Mitskuni and I brought you home," he answered as he helped me out the limo. My mom rushed down the steps and handed me my crutches, thanking the two seniors for brining me home. Hm. I must have fallen asleep there and that creepy bastard Kyoya must of gave them my address.

"Thanks, guys. See you tomorrow! Oh, and Haninozuka-San, I'll bake cake for you tomorrow." I smiled lightly, admiring the way the small boy's eyes light up at the thought of sweets.

"Okay Kuro-Chan but I told you to call me Honey! And Takashi, Mori! Our last names are a bit of a mouthful, ya'know?" he smiled as they got back into the limo, not giving me a chance to respond. They drove off and mom guided me into our two story house.

"They seemed nice. You didn't tell me that you had any friends, Zakuro!" mom scolded as she lightly thumped me on the head.

"Ah, but you never asked. Besides, you've been busy with work and when I come home, you'd be already sleep. I'm lucky to talk to you today since its Friday; your day off."

Mom sighs sadly and opens the door before locking it behind herself. "Zakuro, I know this upsets you, but I need to come up with this rents payment for this month, and I have to pay half of your tuition."

"I could attend a public school, mom." I plopped the couch in the living room and sighed in relief.

Mom sighed too and shook her head. "Its fine, dear." she yawned and her head rolls onto my left shoulder, already dozing off. I smiled lightly and struggled to my feet. I gently slid her down so she was laying and took the blanket from the back of the couch to lay on her.

"I love you mom," I kiss her cheek and made my way upstairs with some difficulty. Once in my room, I grabbed a plastic wrap and headed for the shower.

臼fj痔絵dじぇべけべ絵毛毛 (this means nothing)

The next morning, I stumbled out of of bed and began my morning routine. Putting on an outfit that resembled an uniform, I grabbed my violin case and strapped it to my back before trudging downstairs. Mom had my favorite Black Butler traveling mug on the counter filled with coffee and my Bento ready to go.

"Morning!" she smiled at me from above her rim of her cup.

"Morning mom!" I replied and snatched a bagel off the plate. I searched the counters and found my phone and headphones. Taking them, I bid mom goodbye and crutches my way to school. I loved to get exercise even when I'm injured. I left early so I had time to walk slowly and enjoy the dawn breaking.

あj振るうぃwんでゅ(this means nothing)

I made it to class twenty minutes before class would start. Umiheto slid into the seat beside me silently and gave me that creepy grin.

I smiled back. "Hey Umiheto! How are you this morning?"

"Oh, it was horrible. My maids forgot to close my curtains this morning and that evil sunlight nearly killed me!" he wailed and slammed his head on his desk. Belzenef patted his head in sympathy and wave at me. I waved back before I got out my sketch book and started to draw this comical scene.

Sensei started teaching once the bell rung. Most of the students didn't pay attention and sadly, I was one of them.

I brought out my coloring utensils and colored in my drawing, making the wig poking out of my friend's hood a dark shade of green and his cloak a dar-purple color. Belzenef was colored a beige shade with dark slitted eyes and pale pink blush below them.

"Sagara-San, what are you doing?" Sensei paused in his teachings as he heard the obnoxious of my pencils scratching across the page.

I blushed under the attention and shifted my pictures to my notes. He walked over and peered at them. "Uh."

"This isn't in Japanese, Sagara-San."

I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously. "It's a habit to right in my first language. Sorry!"

Sensei gave me a scolding look. "Pratice notes in Kanji then, Sagara-San." he said as he goes to continue his lesson. I sigh in relief and actually paid attention to the lesson, ignoring the giggling girls in the front.

あえいおう(this means nothing)

Finally class was over! I packed my things and bid a goodbye to Umiheto before heading down to lunch. Instead of going to the cafe. I sat outside under the sakura trees that were in bloom. A giggle reached my ears and I glanced around suspiciously.

"Oh Zakuro-Senpai~" a voice hissed ominously, making me shudder.

"Is that a homemade bento~?" another voice joined.

I slowly turned my head toward the voices with a scared face. There, creeping around the tree was those shady twins. They had these evil, mischievous smirks on their faces and they wiggled their fingers as they got closer to my Bento in my lap.

"What the Hell are you two doing?" I squeaked and scooted away from them.

Hikaru straightened up and laughed. "Nothing."

Kaoru grinned down at me and shook his head. "You looked bored so we decided to entertain you."

"That was completely unnecessary!" I scowled as I hurriedly finished my food and began to pack up. The bell should be ringing any minute and I had to make it on time with my crutches. I started to limp away, the twins followed, chatting.

"That commoner is going to work hard today!" Hikaru snickered.

"I know!"

Oh yeah, that's right. That "gay" commoner guy was the club's dog until he pays off his debt. Poor dude. He looked worst off than me. I said goodbye to the twins when I made it to my class. Umiheto wasn't there and I wondered where he could be. He didn't usually skip out on class unless it was important. Maybe something came up with his little sister?

"Today is a free period. You can do anything you want! All those in clubs, attend to them immediately." Sensei announced before leaving the class himself.

Confused, I gathered my things and crutches toward music room 3. But before I could get there, a gaggle of girls blocked my path. Oh great.

"Sahara!" the red haired girl spat and crossed her arms. She glared at me with those dark blue eyes.

"It's Sagara." I deadpanned.

She flips her hair. "Whatever. I am princess Seika Ayanokoji! I want you to stop attending the Host Club."

"Bitch say what?"

"What?" she said confused. I chuckled and wave my hand in dismissal. I moved past them, making sure to bump into the red head.

"Sorry, but I can't do that."

"Urgh! I will get you for disobeying me!"

I half turned to face her. "And I'll make you regret meeting me." I smirked and left.

Oh dad, it looks like an all out war is about to start in Ouran!

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