Chapter Forty: Water

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          The next day, I had my swimsuit on under my Sunday clothes. I spent the day in the library going through my mail and sending letters to my family and friends. Every so often, I would drift off thinking about Cedric. He is really cute and I can be myself around him. Could I really have deep feelings for him? Admittedly, I always had a crush on the older Hufflepuff sweetheart. As I was writing and daydreaming, a friendly face surprised me.

          "Mistress Potter!" Dobby greeted me excitedly.

          "Shh! Hello, Dobby," I greeted back softly.

          He laughed softer now, "Why is Ivy Potter in the library alone?"

          "Just keeping in contact with my loved ones. How are you, Dobby?" I asked.

          "Dobby is working in the kitchens. Mr. Crouch fired his house elf, Winky, and Winky is working there with Dobby," he explained.

          "How do you like working in the kitchens?" I asked curiously.

          "Dobby is getting paid but Dobby had a hard time finding work since Harry and Ivy Potter helped set Dobby free," he said.

          "Dobby, can you help me? I need you to go outside and open this," I said as I handed him my egg, "and I need to know if you have heard this before."

          "Dobby will always be here to help Ivy Potter!" he said and quickly left with the large egg.

          I finally finished the last of my letters and tied them together for Salem to deliver. She truly is a remarkable cat. I don't know what I would do without her. As she left, Dobby came back quickly.

          "I'm sorry if it hurt your ears, Dobby," I said and took back my egg.

          "Dobby can not help fully, but Dobby can show you a hint," he said and snapped his fingers.

           A book flew off one of the shelves and landed in front of me. Dobby excused himself quickly and I started to go through the book. It was another creature book but it had to do with aquatic creatures. Going through it, nothing caught my eye that would have to do with eggs. I was thoroughly stumped and borrowed the book from the library. The book was in my bag with my egg and I sat with Draco at dinner in the Great Hall. The Second Task was three weeks away.

          During dinner, Draco would hold my hand and I saw Cedric standing up at his table. I squeezed Draco's hand and told him I was going to head back early because I wanted to check something that had to do with the Second Task. He nodded and I headed out to the prefect's bathroom. I didn't have to wait long until Cedric caught up to me. When the coast was clear, we both went in and started to strip to our swimsuits. He started the bath and Myrtle floated in.

           "My, my. A Hufflepuff and a Slytherin together in the bath," she teased.

           "Oh, Myrtle! Please don't tell. It's about the Second Task," I pleaded.

          "I won't tell. You are my only friend, Ivy," she said, getting sad.

          "Don't say that, Myrtle. Harry is your friend, too," I said.

          "Really?" she asked and started to giggle.

          "Of course!" I said and brought out my egg from my bag.

          "In that case, I'd better keep guard for you. I can't guarantee everyone will be as understanding," she said and left the baths.

          I knew she could still hear me, "Thank you, Myrtle!"

Ivy Potter, Year Four | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now