Chapter Forty One: Help

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          During the next week, Harry told me that he'd been letting Mad-Eye use the Marauder's Map because he helped him out in an incident with Professor Snape and Mr. Filch. Harry thinks that Professor Snape is the one who put our names in the Goblet of Fire. We decided to send Sirius a letter with the school's owl. I was going through the book Dobby showed me and was learning all I could about potential creatures in the Black Lake. One of them caught my attention. It was the Hippocampus. It had the lower body of a fish, but the upper body of a horse. Charlie asked if I could swim and he had hoof shaped bruises. He also couldn't tell me where and what attacked him. I think Colin said something about his brother falling in the Lake too. Looking at the time, I went to dinner to see if Colin was there.

          In the Great Hall, I noticed Colin and his brother at a table next to Harry and Ron. Hermione and Viktor were often in the library together. I sat between Colin and Harry, giving Harry space to finally eat and breathe. I adored these two.

          "Hello, Colin. Hello, Dennis. Can I ask you something?" I asked.

          "Hi, Ivy!" Colin said excitedly.

          "Gosh, hi, Ivy! Go ahead!" Dennis said eagerly.

          God, they're cute.

          I messed up their hair, "Colin said you fell into Lake, Dennis. Do you know what helped you?"

          "Wow! You remember that from the Sorting Ceremony?" Colin asked.

          "I think it was a Giant Squid. You have a great memory, Ivy!" Dennis answered.

           A giant what? Did we always have a squid? A squid could be a problem if that's what I'm facing in the Black Lake. However, I don't know if I'd rather face merpeople or a Giant Squid. I thanked them both for their help and I nudged Harry as Cedric was approaching us.

          "Evening, you two," Cedric greeted.

          "Hey, Cedric," Harry said.

          "Hey, Romeo," I greeted sweetly.

          Harry nearly spit out his juice, "I'm sorry?"

          "Harry, how are you?" Cedric asked, blushing.

          "Spectacular," he said almost sarcastically.

          I flicked my tongue at Harry for being rude but Cedric didn't mind. He told Harry the password to the prefect's bathroom and hinted to bring his egg and mull things over in the water. I winked at Cedric before he left and he winked back at me. Harry nudged me and I flicked my tongue at him again. I excused myself and went to the kitchens to talk to Dobby.

          Dobby happily gave me my favorite hot drink, hot chocolate, "Mistress Potter! Was the book helpful?"

          "Yes, Dobby, thank you very much. I have another favor to ask," I said and sipped my drink.

          "Anything to be of service," he said politely.

          "Dobby, can you find a way to help my brother? Please?" I asked.

          "Of course, Mistress Potter! Dobby will always help his friends," he said eagerly.

          I thanked him and went to my common room. I noticed the twins running from Mr. Filch and Peeves's laughter echoed in the castle. Quickly, I went to the dungeon. On the way there, I saw Myrtle floating and crying.

          "Myrtle!" I called to her.

          "Ivy! Hello!" she said happily, immediately cheerful now.

          "Myrtle, my brother is going to bathe in the prefect's bathroom tonight. Will you try to help him please?" I asked.

          She looked bashful and giggled, "Oh! I'd love to!"

          I laughed as she floated away and I went to the dorms where I quickly slept. 

Ivy Potter, Year Four | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now