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Warning: the content in this book include metion of self harm,suicide,drug use,sex, language which some may find affensive and the use of weapons (this book is also unedited sorry for any spelling mistakes)

Jahseh pov:

I washed the blood away. My face was still emotionless. I didn't think I had any emotion left in me. I was alone and drowning in my own thoughts. I-I guess I've just been a little fucked up since Geneva, I don't even understand why u still miss her.

"Jahseh, Stokley is here" my mom practically roared at me from down stairs

"And he has Michael, Alekes and some other light skinned girl with him"

I didn't really feel like seeing anyone, I just wanted to be alone for a while. I put on a red revenge hoodie and went down stares and opened the door anyway.
I ain't ever seen the girl Stokley had with him before, and that's saying something because I've fucked around with most of the girls around here.

She was really pretty, he had dark brown eyes and she was carmel skinned like me, she had a messy bun in her hair. We locked eyes for a minute before I let them in.

Aria pov:
I just moved into Florida, it's not much different from my old home but the people seem nicer. The neighbour and her son came to greet us, that sort of shit never happened back at the old place. The neighbours son said he was going to his friends house and his mom said for him to bring me so I can make some friends. He didn't really want to but he did anyway. I guess I'm still an outcast that people feel bad for, then.

He said he was going to bring two of his other friends. There was a guy, his name is Michael I think, there was also a girl named Alekes, we get along pretty well.

We all hopped out of Stokley's whip and went to knock on the door. A guy came and answered the door. He was kinda cute not going to lie, he had dreads that were split dyed, one half was black the other half was white. He had on a black hoodie that had revenge written on it in red writing, He was carmel skins and had dark brown eyes like me.

We locked eyes for a minute before he opened the door wider and stepped out of the way to let us in. He glanced at me before I walked in.

"Why you bringing random bitches to my house" the guy asked

"language" a female voice shouted from what I assume was the kitchen

"sorry ma" the guy responded

"Boy if u don't introduce yo self properly" his momma shouted again

"Sorry my name is jahseh but just call me jah" he exclaimed

"Hi, my name is Aria" I replied

"Anyway Stokley why u bringing people I don't know around my crib"

"My momma made me, she just moved here and she said I have to bring her so she can make new friend" Stoke said mocking his mom

"I can leave if y'all want I don't wanna be annoying" I frowned

"Yea-" they got cut off by jah's mom

"Oh don't worry we would love to have you here" she reassured

10 minutes later...

"bruh if you don't shut the fuck up" Alekes shouted

"Trippie come get your girl"

"I told you I don't like her round my crib so why the fuck u bring her " Jah said to Michael

I kinda just sat there thinking, I didn't really want to get involved to be honest. I hate listening to people argue, my mom and dad argued a lot and they took a lot of their anger from it, out on me. I just wished they loved me instead of hating me.

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