Thirty Three | Selfie

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The living room of this old ass house looks like it's from a renaissance painting, picturesque, cozy and designed like a dream. In reality though, and what you can't tell from a painting, is how fucking freezing it is inside. I admit, staying warm by the fire is a perfect excuse to snuggle with Tom whilst convincing Jasper that our relationship is real.

We had taken a little group photo, Jasper insisting on giving his followers 'juicy Holland content' on his story. Moving off the couch to take the group selfie, Jasper stretched his arm out to get everyone into the frame. Tom and I, having the couch to ourselves now that Jasper had moved, we're both curled up together and looking as couple-y as ever.

The internet is about to break again.

Clark and Sam headed to bed alongside Harry and Paddy after the fire made them almost nod off to sleep. Jasper however, stayed awake by the fire with Tom and I, finally on a different fucking couch. He's not as bad as what I had assumed he would be like. Not as bad as the other two cousins who I've barely seen on the trip so far, tucked away in their rooms except for dinner tonight. He hasn't pried into our 'relationship' too much yet either, which was what Tom feared.

"So if you guys met on the Miles Morales film, and now you're working together on James Bond, how come we're only meeting you now?" Jasper said sipping his fourth beer whilst Tom and I stopped after our second. Beer isn't really a wintry drink to sip by the fire; I'd prefer a White Russian or something.

"I don't want to bring home just any girl to meet you guys, she needs to be worth it," Tom said with his arm around me as my back was pressed up against his chest and side up against the couch arm. His hand was on my hip, with his fingers gently drawing patterns over my tracksuit pants.

"I had to find out about this whole thing from a bloody Instagram leak. I felt cut bro, you didn't even tell me yourself," Jasper taunted.

"Honestly, that's how most people found out. We wanted to wait as long as possible before like, going public. Even my parents were surprised because I never refer to Tom as my boyfriend, we don't really use labels," I shrugged, leaning my head to the side to rest on Tom's jaw.

"Well, on that note, it's late and I'm going to head off to bed. Don't stay up too late now love birds," Jasper said giving Tom a little handshake type farewell as he left the living room.

The fire crackled and flickered softly as I sat up off of Tom and yawned, stretching my arms out beside me. Running a hand through his hair, Tom chuckled to himself quietly.

"What?" I asked, pulling my hands into the sleeves of my jumper to keep them warm.

"Nothing, it's just- I didn't think we'd stop being all snuggly the very second Jas left the room," Tom joked.

"I didn't want to be trapping you on the couch by lying half on you," I laughed, pulling my legs up onto the couch and hugging my knees. I found my phone half in between the couch cushions, opening Instagram and seeing Jaspers story; smiling to myself at how weird it was seeing a photo of Tom and I together.

"You know everyone's going to zoom in and repost it of just the two of us," Tom laughed, looking over my shoulder to see the story Jasper had posted.

"That's what we want though right? For people to assume we're madly in love?" I joked, taking a deep breath and reposting it to my own story; without a caption because I thought the photo spoke for itself.

Again, the internet is definitely going to go wild.

"Do we want everyone to know what we're like behind closed doors though? To be all up in our business?" Tom whined slightly.

"Up in our fake business?" I laughed.

"In our semi-fake business. Some of its real right? I can't be imagining all of this," Tom said looking into my eyes before he glanced down at my lips.

"You find some of this real?" I said quietly, barely louder than a whisper.

"Don't you?" Tom said back, cupping my face with his hand and pulling me gently into a kiss. A real kiss. A kiss that wasn't for show. A kiss without a hidden agenda, without any cameras or witnesses. A kiss that was just between us and for nobody else.

It got my heart racing, feeling his tongue swipe across my lips and clash with mine. Although it didn't feel like clashing, it felt like two dancers performing a tango; passionate, rhythmic, sensual yet delicate.

His arm snaked its way around my waist as my arms reached around his neck, my fingers toying with the curls at the back of his neck and tousling them softly. This was what I had been wanting this whole time but had been too scared to act on; I didn't think Tom was interested in me like this at all. But I guess this means maybe he is.

I pulled away abruptly, laughing from embarrassment and apologising hastily. I don't know why I did it. I just did. I was flustered, overwhelmed and trying to rationalise my thoughts.

"We- We shouldn't be doing this Tom. We're drunk," I said quietly.

"But I'm not drunk... Are you drunk?" He asked, a wave of fear washing over his face as he worried he might be taking advantage of a girl whilst she was intoxicated and he wasn't.

I shook my head no, knowing that I had just made up an excuse to psych myself out and stop kissing him. Which was fucking stupid on my part, so I leant in and kissed him again, this time Tom leaning back against the couch and pulling me on top of him.

His hand pressed itself against my lower back, pulling me up against his torso tightly as I smiled into the kiss excitedly. Honestly, I thought I was dreaming. With one hand against his cheek and the other tangled in his hair, he then slid his hand down to my ass in which he gave a playful squeeze, chuckling against my lips as he apologised.

"Am I moving too fast?" He asked still smiling. It was funny, we had kissed once before this to prove to his friend that we were 'dating', and now I was on top of his and he was grabbing my ass. It was really hot despite the amount of clothes we were wearing, multiple layers between us to fend the freezing cold.

"Not at all," I giggled back, kissing him again as our tongues moved in unison.

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