Sixty Six | Mirror

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"Quiet on set!" was yelled out from somewhere in the crew, I would have looked but I was too busy staring at the wall in front of me on set.

My first scene with actual dialogue, proper acting... I don't want to say that acting doesn't occur when you're not speaking but this was my first scene being filmed where I wasn't in the background or chiming in with a line or two for conversation flow. This was my scene with Alex, a scene I was dreading to film.

I had told Tom that I didn't want him to come to set today, because I didn't want to have added pressure knowing he was seeing me act. I know it sounds dumb, but he had fought so hard for me to put myself in the film and I didn't want him to see me and regret rooting for me. I'm not bad, but I definitely wouldn't have been cast in this role if I hadn't written it.

"You okay?" Alex said grabbing my knee lightly and squeezing it to comfort me.

"Just nervous," I muttered quietly, seeing the cameras move around us as they set up their shots.

"With the British accent?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Just everything in general," I chuckled nervously.

"Trust me, after the first take, you'll get bored because they'll get us to do this a million times," he smiled back.

"Hey look, if there's anything to make you feel better, none of us can even see you guys except for your backs," James McEvoy chimed in, jogging up to the set after quickly throwing his assistant his little plastic water bottle.

I still feel like I need to pinch myself every time I get to work with James McEvoy or Michael Caine; they're fucking incredible actors. Everyone on the cast is incredible but them? They're next level.

"Exactly, nobody will see the front of us except for when they roll the wall away and the cameras move to film our faces," Alex shrugged.

It was a strange set to build, right now Alex and I were facing a green screen wall, but in post production they would be editing it as if our characters were looking in a mirror. So we had to do the same scene in two positions; one from behind, one from in front, all whilst the camera pans around to make it seem like one take. Movie magic I guess.

"Action!" Shane yelled.

INT. April and Marcus' Shared Bedroom
Camera on dolly track which starts from behind them, focused on their backs.

April and Marcus are sitting on the edge of a Queen bed seeming to be looking directly ahead at themselves in the mirror. It is quiet. There is no movement.

Harsh camera cut to film them sort of diagonally, from their shoulders rather than their backs.

The two are still staring at themselves in the mirror now with their hands down each other's pants and touching each other vigorously. Their posture remains straight, their heads barely move besides their facial expressions being those of pleasure and arousal but it seems robotic and rigid, although they are studying themselves and their reactions.
Enter ANDI at bedroom door

Dinner's ready in five

Marcus and April do not react to their cousin entering the room, they simply continue and turn towards her.

Thank you Andrea

Thanks Andi

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