Sixty Eight | Spite

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I was at work when I saw the post on Instagram. I was in between takes on set when I quickly checked my phone. I saw on the lock screen I had thousands of Instagram notifications and sighed to myself knowing that Tom had probably posted a photo and fans would be tagging me in it relentlessly.

When I opened the app however, I was graced with Zendaya's latest post at the top of my feed. I had barely a second to realise what I had seen before being forced back into set and directed into the scene again. It wasn't until I finished for the day that I saw the mass of missed calls and text messages from Tom.

Did you see this???

TOMI'm going to kill someone

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I'm going to kill someone

She basically just told
the whole world that I have
been deported from America

As if fans won't look into that
bloody caption and think hmm
why can't he come back until the
next film? It's such fucking
bullshit I swear to god

I lost my shit

TOMWhy the fuck would shepost that other than tohurt me and you

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Why the fuck would she
post that other than to
hurt me and you

Saying she will miss us??

She's barely fucking spoken
to you before bloody hell

She's still left me on seen

I need to go to the gym and
punch something I swear

Text me when you're finished
on set or have a break darling

I'll be honest, I couldn't stop thinking about the absolute chaos that post would start on the internet. Tom was right, people would start looking into that caption and start digging for clues. Are deportations public knowledge? Can you search them up on some sort of government register?

As I drove back to Tom's apartment and got inside, I saw Tom outside on the balcony pacing from one side to the other as he spoke on the phone. I couldn't hear what he was saying but the look on his face was enough for me to know it was about the deportation and Zendaya's seemingly 'innocent' post about missing her Spiderman cast members.

"Oh hey, you're back. How was work?" Harry said cheerfully, walking into the living room with a brightly coloured popsicle from the freezer in his hand.

"Pretty good until I went on Instagram... How has Tom been today?" I asked him, turning towards his brother as he sucked loudly on the frozen treat.

"He's just being Tom... Overthinking, stressing out and talking non stop about what's going on inside his head," Harry shrugged.

I saw Tom end his phone call and lean over the railing, presumably sighing loudly or cursing under his breath as he usually did during stressful situations. He hadn't looked inside and seen that I was home yet, he simply took himself down to the backyard and started attacking the hanging punching bag in the corner.

He was in a t-shirt and tracksuit pants going hard at this swinging bag.  Harry and I watched for a few seconds from the glass doors, staring down into the garden where Tom was. It wasn't long before we accepted the fact he needed time to destress and that we didn't want to be caught in the cross fire.

After changing into some comfy clothes, I helped myself to a frozen popsicle from the freezer and joined Harry on the couch as we watched last nights Love Island episode. I didn't know this show was so huge in the United Kingdom but every bloody man and his dog watches it.

Tom slid open the balcony door and raised his eyebrows when he saw that I was home, smiling gently and saying 'hey, how was work?' through an exasperated and breathy sigh. His shirt was stained heavily with sweat, along with his hair stuck to his forehead and his knuckles red from his punches.

"Oh for fucks sake! And now you've gone and started the new episode without me, knowing that I've had the worlds shittiest day?!" Tom exclaimed when he saw the television, throwing his arms up like a stubborn child.

"It's last nights episode, Harry hadn't seen it yet so we were catching up before the new one tonight..." I quickly interjected, knowing that Tom was obviously on edge and the smallest things were evidently setting him off. He wasn't thinking straight enough to realise that the new episode airing tonight wouldn't be broadcast for another two hours or so.

"Right... Right, yeah sorry. I uh- I'm just going to have a shower and I'll come out in a sec," he nodded, slightly embarrassed that he had overreacted so drastically over nothing.

As he left the lounge room and entered the bathroom, I realised that this would be something to work through together after Tom had settled down. I know that our deportation being public knowledge wouldn't particularly be the best outcome, but we could still manipulate the story in our own interest.

The internet already speculated the legitimacy of our relationship and have finally accepted that it's real. We can just say that Tom was deported due to an expired visa and that I came with him to work on the film and be a supportive partner.

That is entirely true.

What we don't need to say is that the deportation reason technically was for lying about a de facto relationship. Besides, we only started fake dating because Tom was dumb enough to let his visa expire whilst he was still working in America anyway.

For me, that plan made logical sense. But for Tom in this heightened state of anxiety, he just needed to take his mind completely elsewhere until he was in the right state of mind to discuss the issue properly.

Either way I'm sure that Tom will distract himself once he joins us on the couch and he starts ranting about his Love Island bets. He and Harry always argue about who Kasey will end up with; Tom thinks it's Ben and Harry thinks it will be Jacques.

I think Kasey will just fuck both and date whoever will give her the best chance of winning. But hey, that's more fuel to the fire right now.

Tonight, we just focus on keeping Tom relaxed.

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