Thirty Six | Shooting

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"You need to aim before the trap sends out the clay disc dude, otherwise you're losing precious time," Jasper said to Paddy as he held his gun casually over his shoulder. I sighed, bouncing my leg impatiently from the patio, waiting for Jasper to stop his dumb fucking lecture and let me have a go at shooting.

I wasn't good at shooting. I was better than Sam and Paddy, but Harry and Jasper were the better of us. That puts me smack bang in the middle of us boys which I'm okay with. It's kind of creepy to be good at shooting things with a gun anyway.

"I'm bloody over it anyway," Paddy sighed, handing the gun to Dad as he took off the protective glasses and sulked at the fact he hadn't hit any of the targets all morning. Classic Padster.

Jasper adjusted the machine to shoot the discs next to him to a harder and faster speed, getting overtly cocky at his shooting skills. As much as I liked doing this each year, I never really cared about how good I was at all. Jasper on the other hand, took this annual shooting event extremely seriously. Putting a pair of glasses on and a pair of earmuffs, he called out and clapped towards me to get my attention.

"I think he's somehow asking to challenge you by clapping at you like a dog," Y/N said looking up from her laptop as we sat on the porch near the outdoor fireplace for warmth. I chuckled, giving her a quick kiss on the temple as she typed and made my way over to where Jasper, Dad and my uncle were all standing.

The patio was far enough that the gunshots weren't too loud for people watching, but close enough that we could see whether or not each of us were actually hitting the flying targets in the sky. It was entertaining to watch for most of us, although Clark blocked her ears the whole time and went inside after Sam had finished. She didn't enjoy it.

"Let's make this interesting hm? Make this a bet?" Dad suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at both Jasper and I before turning to my uncle and telling him it was a challenge between the two eldest sons in the Holland family.

"Dad, I don't think I'm up for a competition or anything, I'm pretty rusty," I groaned, shaking my head.

"Y/N! Can you get some earmuffs and film this for us?" Jasper called out to the patio, us all watching Y/N put her laptop to the side and jog over. She looked cute with the oversized protective gear on, it made me smile.

"How 'bout a please next time?" She said loudly, not used to the earmuffs blocking out so much sound.

"If I win, I get to snog your girlfriend," Jasper blurted out, smirking and pretending to 'polish' the barrel of the gun.

"And if I win I get to kiss yours- Oh wait, you don't have one... Nice try, but not a fucking chance buddy," I scoffed, looking at Y/N who was holding her phone impatiently ready to film this whilst in the freezing cold.

Dad and my Uncle decided to sit on the patio with a beer in each of their hands to watch Jasper and I argue between us on what the bets should be. We finally decided, that the loser had to do a nude streak through the snow on the other persons Instagram live.

"Can you at least wear boots so you don't get hypothermia?" Y/N suggested, screwing her face up at us both arguing like kids.

"Yeah fair point... Fine, completely nude except for boots, and you have to run from the shed to the house," Jasper said pointing to the shed. I nodded, put my hand out to shake his and laughed at myself for agreeing to such a ridiculous bet.

Jasper had obviously been practicing since last year and I had obviously somehow gotten worse since last year, because I was getting my fucking ass handed to me. To every one disc I managed to shoot, Jasper had two or three already.

The machines ran out and he turned to me, pointing his gun towards the gun to put the safety switch on and taking his earmuffs off.

"Nice job to you too Holland," he said sarcastically. He shook my hand, put the gun back in the storage rack and smirked at Y/N.

"Nice job Holland," I said mockingly, in a dumb petty voice after he had easily won against me.

"Hopefully your boyfriend doesn't have aim as bad as that when you're both in bed," he scoffed.

"Why would you even need good aim in bed? If anything, the fact Tom shot more bullets than you meant he was more acquainted with his fingers at the trigger, which then obviously correlates with his fingers in bed," she taunted back, tapping Jasper on the shoulder and telling him 'nice try' before smiling at me.

Fuck she's great. But I also feeling uncomfortable they they're both going back and forth about me in bed.

Jasper followed her inside, trying to argue his point against hers, which she argued back with. I just followed behind them both listening to their stupid bickering about my apparently sex game. And neither of them would know anything about how I am during sex; and only one of them should ever know.

"How's the script coming along?" I asked her as she and Jasper finally stopped arguing.

"Oh! It's pretty rough but I have a like, whole plot already. I could make it an hour long feature film if I wanted... It was actually really easy to write this time, the ideas just flooded into my head," she smiled.

"Can I read it?" I asked grinning innocently.

"Not yet."

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