Thirty Seven | Penis

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"This is mega embarrassing," Tom sighed, watching video upon video of his running naked through the snow in nothing but a pair of boots. He had both his hands cupping his genitals but he was paranoid something could have been shown.

"You can't see anything, the only thing fans will do is speculate on size because you used two hands instead of one," I chuckled, sitting on the train back to London next to Tom.

"I only used two hands because I was scared something would fall out if I just used one," he sighed, rubbing his forehead and watching another fan edit on Instagram.

The Scotland trip had come to a close after a few nights of Guinness, multiple arguments between the Holland boys and quite a few make out sessions between Tom and I. It was nice moving slow with a man, I feel like everyone in our generation fuck on the first date then ghost each other online. This way, we got to know each other before any of that.

He'd gotten a bit handsy the more and more we'd hooked up; grabbing my ass, hands going up my shirt in bed, et cetera. But I'm not complaining whatsoever.

Tom had also figured out that he and I shared more sexual chemistry than ever before. Of course, we always made sly jokes to one another and flirted here and there, but I guess since neither of us knew if the other persons feelings were real, the chemistry wasn't solidified until now.

Now it was like a game of who could break the other person into making the first move. We both said we'd take it slow yes, but we never said sexual things were off the cards entirely and boy, were we competitive.

Tom started coming out of the shower in his towel, rather than getting changed in the bathroom ensuite attached to our room. He'd make comments about how I wouldn't make eye contact with him and how I was distracted by his body. I'd laugh and tell him to fuck off, but he was completely right. I for one, would retaliate by getting changed in front of him, yet turned away so he could only see the back silhouette of my body. Although when I called him out for staring the same way he did to me, he'd just carry on staring and say 'yeah so?'.

Cocky bastard.

"Lucky nothing 'fell out' because this was all on Jasper's live... Once it's out there, it's out there," I taunted, turning back to my laptop and continuing on my script. It was very very basic draft but I had a cohesive storyline, which was exciting to say the least; I never finish my scripts.

"You know you should just contact studios and producers with the story idea and pitch to them. Who knows, someone might buy the rights," Tom shrugged, leaning over and resting his forehead on my shoulder. I shook my head quickly at his suggestion before he started groaning at his phone again.

"Tom, it's not even a bad video. You look hot, you've been working out and there's nothing to see under your hands," I laughed, feeling the grumpy boy rest his head on me.

"Should I be concerned about that then? That's there's 'nothing to see'? Maybe people will think I have a small cock because it's not visible in the video," he complained.

"Okay then post a photo of your penis to Instagram, see how that goes down," I joked, trying to make him realise he was just overthinking wildly at this point.

"Erect or soft? Or maybe sport a half chub?" He joked back, sitting back up and laughing.

"Oh definitely half. Don't give them everything, let their imagination guess the size of your full erection," I laughed, closing my laptop as we arrived at the train station we all were getting off at.

The staff got our suitcases and bags for us, taking them off the train and thanking us for our patronage. It was a trip I never thought I'd do in my lifetime, but it was a trip I'd never forget.

"Ready for work to start back up tomorrow?" Tom asked, sitting on his suitcase with a huff as we waited for the rest of his family to get their shit together and get off the train. Paddy was half asleep with a travel pillow around his neck, obviously ready to go home.

"Definitely not... But I won't see you on set as much anymore because we're so far into production now. I'll see you like once a week during work," I pouted.

"Then I'll just have to see you outside of work hours," he grinned.

"Oh yeah? When do either of us ever have any energy to socialise after work?" I taunted, although it was semi true; we had extremely busy schedules.

Of course we did go out, it just drained a lot out of you. If I went out for dinner after work, I'd be wrecked the next day on set. Luckily now, not having to be on set at ridiculous hours, I could start working on the post production phase and have my own hours at home.

"I still owe you a proper date you know. So, think about where you want to go and let me know when you're free," he smiled.

"That's slack, I can't pick my own first date Thomas. You need to do it," I laughed, standing in front of Tom on his little black Spider Web printed suitcase with my arms crossed in front of me.

He groaned, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his face on my stomach due to the height difference. We were on a very public train station platform with inevitable cameras pointed towards us; yet he was being so open.

I mean, we are still fake dating so it wouldn't matter anyway right? I rested my hands on his head, lightly tapping my fingers as if his skull was a bongo drum. I don't know why, I was just bored and tired and waiting for the rest of Tom's family to say all their extensive goodbyes so we could leave.

"Oh fuck I drove here hey? I completely forgot, I was expecting us to get a cab. Where's Harry? Harry! Come on let's go!" Tom said whistling at his brother to get his attention.

I laughed, squishing Tom's cheeks with my hands as he looked up at me with his brown puppy dog eyes. His hair was tousled and messy from falling asleep on the train ride home, as was mine. Although I had the luxury of trying my hair up to manage the mess.

"Are you having fun playing your little drums and making me feel like bloody play dough?" He chuckled, yet not pulling away.

"What do you expect when you're being all sleepy and mopey and hugging me like a sloth?" I retorted.

"You're just trying to be dominant and take control of my body whilst I'm tired," he chuckled jokingly.

"Trying? I think I'm succeeding," I scoffed back.

"Oh... We'll see about that darling, the tables will turn don't you worry."

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