Forty | Match

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After walking to the station, we caught the 'overground' to 'White Hart Lane', which in non Londoner speak, meant we took the train to the Tottenham stadium. It was a crowded carriage filled with other sports fans in their jerseys. Majority were like ours, white with various soccer players names on the back. There were a few in red which Tom explained were the rival team Arsenal.
Apparently, we hate Arsenal.

It was daunting at first being on a train with standing room only and being squished in like a pack of sardines, but I came to realise that it was actually easier to blend in with Tom than usual. With the sheer amount of people on the train, walking to the stadium and then inside the stadium, we didn't stand out as much.

Tom had premium seats for us, explaining that the East end had the best view for this time of day given the sun's positioning. I scoffed and told him he was a nerd, knowing so much about a dumb stadium.

"It's already crawling with people... How many seats are even in this place?" I said in astonishment as Tom held my hand and weaved through the crowds to our 'premium section' of the stands.

"62,850. But that's like, full capacity," he responded casually, making me laugh at my previous statement; he really was a nerd about this football club.

Showing our tickets at the door we were allowed entrance to the 'luxe' part of the stands where the most premium of seats were sold. They had an open bar and a Michelin star restaurant inside, although Tom told me that after we sat down for a quick drink, we had to buy meat pies specifically from the stand on level 2. I don't know why, but we just had to.

"Did we really get here early just to eat a shitty stadium pie?" I laughed, standing in the bar line with Tom as he bounced up and down on his toes eagerly with excitement. He was like a kid on Christmas, if that kid had a hundred cups of caffeinated drinks.

"Oi don't talk smack about the pies. They're quintessential for your first premier league game Y/N. Also, you gotta drink beer. Well you don't have to but like, it's just the classic football thing to do. Pies and beers," Tom laughed, ordering us two pints of beers after I nodded and chose one of the lagers on tap.

He smiled and looked out of the large glass panels onto the pristinely green field, seeing the stadium fill up slowly with people in their seats. I was amazed too, I had never seen a playing field so big before. But Tom, looked like he was in love.

"Cheers," he said clinking his glass next to mine once the bartender poured us our pints and we took them away.

"So we drink these, go get pies and then the game starts?" I asked, clarifying our plan. Tom nodded.

We talked about how the game actually functioned, I guess I knew the basic rules but I didn't know the extreme details Tom did about each and every Tottenham player. I laughed and we sat down in our designated seats after walking ten minutes to the other end of the stadium for pies.

I admit, these were bloody good pies.

For the first half of the game, I basically just screamed whenever the crowd screamed, not really understanding what was happening. Bit as the game went on further, I started to actually get really invested into it. By half time, I was desperate for our team to win.

"So do we want to talk about the elephant in the room since you got Rian to read my script without even reading it yourself?" I laughed, covering my mouth as I swallowed the remaining mouthful of mince in my mouth.

"I just know it would be good you know? I read the Cherry edit and it was great, you told me the plot of this one and it's even better. Plus, if this thing gets made into a movie you promised I'd be in it," he winked jokingly.

"Oh yeah, I'll be putting it in my imaginary contract that Tom Holland has to be in it and he has to be paid a billion dollars," I laughed, swirling the dregs of my third beer around the cup.

Tom offered for us to get another drink and helped me out of my seat as we went inside to the bar again. We weren't ridiculously drunk, but we were definitely buzzed.

"You gotta negotiate good terms, it's your story, don't let someone take credit," Tom assured.

"You forget I'm a producer for a living Tom, I know exactly how to run a film. Plus, you're getting way ahead of yourself," I laughed, bumping his hip playfully with mine as we stood in line.

"Make yourself one of the characters too. You said you wanted to be an actor even before a writer right? That's why you moved to Los Angeles in the first place? Not a main character or anything but something to get people to notice you," he said again before ordering another two pints and a packet of crisps.

"If someone even wanted to make it into a movie," I pressed, smiling at the boy who was more excited about achieving my dreams than I was.

We sat back down at our seats ready for the second half of the game in which both teams were at 0-0 score wise. It was a fast paced game but not a lot was happening.

"So, first date... Am I doing okay? Is this completely terrible?" Tom asked with a cheeky yet nervous grin.

"You're doing well Tom, don't worry. This is probably the best date I've ever been on. But it is the first date so you still need to be a gentleman with manners," I taunted.

"Oh definitely, no kissing on the first date, no sex, don't let him inside your apartment, don't text him the next day, blah blah blah," Tom joked back. It was funny because this was such an unorthodox first date, which made me like it more.

"Kissing is okay, but I'm not the type of girl to fuck you on a first date," I laughed.

"How about the second date?" He taunted, cocking an eyebrow up.

"Maybe, if the guy is right," I smiled, leaning in and kissing him with the taste of beer on both of our lips and loud cheers of the crowd surrounding us.

Read your script

Love it already

Can I send it to a friend?

I think it's right up his
alley vision wise

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