Forty One | Funding

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After our date last week, I held up my end of the bargain to not sleep with him yet. It was tough, but I limited myself from just a few kisses in public and a little making out in the car when our Uber dropped us home separately later that night.

I kicked myself when I got inside, regretting my decision to not do anything sexual with Tom. Boy, did I fucking want to. I really wanted to.

I also went to the French patisserie a lot since moving here and majority of the staff all knew my name now. I also might have put on a few kilos from eating sugary pastry alone.

Rian hasn't told me who his friend is yet. I didn't want to appear pushy or desperate so I didn't ask him about it at work, he just told me he really liked the idea and had no doubt in his mind that it could get funding with a good team behind it. That gave me hope.

Work was really strenuous for me recently as we wrapped the film. My contract was only up until this point because I'm not a specialist in post-production so Tom and I basically finished our jobs at the same time. For him, he would go back to facing audition after audition. For me, I had to cross my fingers that someone would take a chance and hire me again.

I planned to fly back to Los Angeles on the weekend, but Tom convinced me to spend a few extra days in London with him. Despite my temporary accommodation ending with my work contract, Tom let me stay at his house for these last several days.

"I've got a meeting with Rian, Tom, I have to get up," I groaned, trying to wriggle out from underneath Tom's arm which was wrapped around me in bed.

"About the script?" He smiled sleepily.

"Yeah, Rian wanted to talk about the script's future and he suggested I get management on the call too. That's a good sign right?" I said taking a deep breath.

"That's a very good sign. Rian is basically like your mentor now, he wouldn't fuck you over. Especially if he asked for a management rep to join. You nervous?" Tom said sitting up and shuffling back to lean against the head board.

I did the same, crossing my legs and grabbing my laptop from the bedside table. I logged into the virtual call and took another deep breath. Rian started by setting a meeting agenda, explaining that he wanted this to be a casual chat with us throwing ideas around.

Then it got interesting.

Rian introduced his elusive friend, Shane Black who had written The Nice Guys, Iron Man 3 and The Predator; all very different movies. I hadn't watched The Nice Guy in a while but I remember it quite well; a masterpiece really. Rian explained that when he read the script, Shane was the person who instantly popped into his head style wise.

Shane went on to say that he apologised in taking so long to get back to me, that he was brainstorming and reaching out to other contacts. Tom, still half asleep, was curled up next to me with his head in my lap watching TikTok videos on mute.

"I want to be attached to this project with you Y/N... If you'll let me. I know your background in producing so I know you'll do wonders for this, but I think I can help get some big names on board to get studio budget allocated for this..." Shane said smiling into the camera.

Of course, my camera was off because I looked like a mess and was still in bed. I tapped Tom excitedly on the head to make him pay attention to what was happening. I muted myself quickly as he looked at me quizzically.

"I have a fucking director!" I squealed, before putting my finger to my lips and unmuting myself for the call again.

"That sounds, absolutely incredible Shane, truly," I said, completely shocked.

"I'd want to meet with you more and throw ideas back and forth but from what Rian tells me, you're a firecracker to work with. I respect creator input so I don't want to hijack this at all. I want to help refine the script with you along the way too. Can I text you whenever I get ideas?" he continued.

I couldn't stop smiling and Tom was shaking my arm excitedly as he listened to the members of the call discuss next steps. I thanked everyone for their time once we wrapped up and left the call.

"Are you fucking kidding me! You're making a fucking movie!" Tom screamed, quite loudly given what time it was in the morning.

"Hey, hey, calm down. We don't have any funding or anything yet so it'a just the ideas phase... But fuck, Shane is a legend," I said covering my face in shock.

"We need to celebrate! We have the wrap party tonight, a-and we need to like, have a nice drink or something in your honour. This is huge darling," Tom said grabbing my face hastily and kissing me over and over again. My heart fluttered hearing him call me that.

"Jesus Christ Tom, calm down," I laughed.

"Why aren't you more hyped about this?!" He questioned.

"Because I know that it's not real until we get money, but yes, we can celebrate this little step together," I grinned. Maybe tonight, is the night I sleep with Tom.

My laptop chimed when I received an iMessage, my phone vibrating next to me as well.

Y/N, we need to have a call
with Tom and yourself as
quickly as possible. Please
be available in 10 minutes.

Then, Tom got the same message.

Tom, we need to have a call
with Y/N and yourself as
quickly as possible. Please
be available in 10 minutes.

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