Forty Eight | Questions

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Whilst Tom and I fake dated, I declined every single interview that my management offered me. It just felt wrong to profit off a lie like that. I know many people would have done it, lied about their love for their fake boyfriend and been paid a handsome fee for their troubles but it just felt gross to even think about.

Now that Tom and I are properly dating however, I let my management team set up my very first interview as 'Tom Holland's Mystery Girlfriend'. As much as internet sleuths could figure me out as a person and there were a few photos of Tom and I that had been taken of us, neither Tom or I posted a photo together on our own social media platforms.

People knew my job history because of IMDB, a quick Google search would be able to list my film credits and everything that I have worked on. Reporters and journalists trawled through my instagram and tried to 'dig up beef' to 'discover Tom's mystery girl' but to most people, I was under the radar.

Today that changed, today GQ had an exclusive all access interview that they were videoing and putting in their magazine. Tom and I were doing their coveted 'GQ Couples Quiz' which I was nervous as fuck for, although GQ loved Tom. Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have done it, one of the Beckham sons has done it, fuck even Kylie Jenner and Rihanna have done it.

A lot of the time GQ set the couples up in a studio, however Tom and I insisted in inviting them to his house and letting them see the real us. When I say real us, I mean the versions of us who had hair and makeup done for an hour and professional cleaners come into the home.

Tom: Hi I'm Tom Holland

Y/N: And I'm Y/N L/N

Tom: And we're here with GQ to do the GQ Couples Quiz. Alright here we go, first one. Oh this is good, what was my first ever acting role.

Y/N: That's fu- Wait can I swear? Okay cool, that's easy, Billy Elliot.

Tom: Bonus points, what was my first screen role?

Y/N: Oh! The um, the tsunami one... The impossible? Is that what it's called?

Tom: Ding ding ding, you're such a stalker

Y/N: My turn, what did I want to be when I grew up?

Tom: No this is like a trick question because it always changed! You wanted to be an actress I know that, and you did act for a bit but you ended up like moving to producing but wanting to write or direct or... I don't know but you've done everything you've wanted to do and that's all that matters

Y/N: You get a point for that yeah, as a kid I wanted to be an actor but this industry is tough and not everyone can backflip their way into auditions like you.

Tom: Wow darling, harsh... Alright, if I wasn't acting, what would I be doing right now?

Y/N: Who is writing these? You're giving me half trick ones... You love golf so maybe you'd want to be a golf coach... And you did that carpenter thing in Wales but never finished the course. Can my answer be a golf coach who builds things on weekends?

Tom: I'll give you points for that. I built the poker table in there you know.

Y/N: And you stole the blue screen from the Spider-Man set to make it.

Tom: Get out of my brain! You know everything already, this isn't fair.

Y/N: Oh I don't even know if I remember this... What was our first date?

Tom: Like our official first date? The first time we went out just the two of us was after a work thing and everyone went home but we kicked on to another bar... But that's not a date. Um, the first proper date... Was it to watch Dune?

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