Fifty Six | Stimulation

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I didn't expect to get this drunk tonight, in fact I hadn't expected to get drunk at all. After Timmy had told me I had to keep up with him and Tom, the three of us had just fucked around the pool continuously passing the vodka bottle around and talking complete shit. And once that bottle was finished, Timmy got out of the pool, scurried inside to raid the pantry for another and came back covering his penis with said bottle.

It was quite funny.

Something else I didn't expect seeing tonight, was to see both Tom Holland and Timothee Chalamet doing a handstand competition at the shallow end of the pool; which meant their bare asses were wiggling above the surface.

They did however both face away from me to not show me their limp upside down dicks as I judged who stayed up the longest, which was Tom by far. I think he just wanted to show off to us like a kid holding their breath underwater until they were on the border of passing out.

"Wait Tom c'mere for a second, Y/N stay there," Timmy said waving his hand at Tom as they both swam to the opposite side of the pool to where we were initially.

"Why can't I come?" I frowned.

"Cos it's secret man stuff, that's why," Timmy laughed before saying he wanted to ask Tom something about Zendaya and didn't want me to hear. Which in a weird way was nice. They both knew I was sick of hearing about her tonight, but I respected that they both needed some sort of release about it.

I could see their mouths move but with their hushed tones and my blurry vision, I couldn't make out a word they were saying. At one stage I saw them burst into laughter and then resume talking quietly. I noticed them look towards me a few times which made me even more curious as to what they were talking about. Maybe Timothee was asking Tom about sex with Zendaya and I and comparing us both...

God I really hope not.

"Darling! Can you come over here pretty please?" Tom called out, grinning widely. I hopped over to them slowly, probably looking like a moon man walking in space through the water.

"What's up? You both done bitching about your mutual ex?" I laughed, kind of finding it amusing that the two ex-boyfriends had started this strange friendship just today but were already getting along like they'd been mates for years.

I guess they did talk online here and there or at events but Tom was always a little hesitant to get close to Timothee because he found it awkward.

"Can I ask you a favour?" Tom said putting his arm around my waist and pulling me down to sit on his knee. He was sitting on the pool step, so the water came up to his chest. Timmy, was standing to the side.

I nodded.

"What would you say to maybe helping Timmy out with his dry spell? You can say no but like, I want you to know first that I'm okay with it if you are," he said calmly.

My eyes darted over to Timmy who was less than a metre away and just staring blankly at Tom and I during this conversation.

"Like- Wait what do you mean by dry spell? Like you want me to fuck Timmy?" I asked quieter, still kind of confused that Tom was asking me all of this in front of Timothee.

"No, no, no. I'm the only one who's allowed to be fucking you darling. But I wouldn't particularly oppose to a little hand or mouth action," Tom chuckled. His breath smelt like strong alcohol, which just made me think about how much mine would too.

"Will you be watching or are you doing stuff too?" I asked cocking my head to the side. I must be imagining this conversation right? This isn't actually real.

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