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Hi! This is my first story, so please be kind!

The basics:

All characters are aged up to 22, as they will be consuming alcohol, drugs, and indulging in adult behaviors.

Y/N will have female anatomy, although I will do my best to keep their features more vague so that everyone will be able to enjoy the story. If you guys seem to like the story and want to have a male anatomy perspective, I can try to make that happen!

The story will contain certain triggers:
- self harm
- drug use
- some blood
- cursing
- sex

The story will contain smut, and while it will have a bit of a slower start it will begin to pick up in frequency, so keep that in mind.

Also, no babies in this fic, because fuck them kids, bro.

I will do my best to keep things as close to characters as possible, although I'm sure there will be some aspects that seem OOC.

The story is set in a quirkless college AU, I felt it was easier than trying to decide a quirk and everything that goes with it.

Like I said, this is my first story but I have been piecing it together for a bit now, so if something doesn't add up or anything, please be kind pointing it out!

If you don't mind commenting or voting, that would be very cool 😅

I hope your able to enjoy the story, happy reading 🖤

- A

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