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Monday morning arrived sooner than you wanted it to, but you felt a sense of giddy excitement knowing you would see Katsuki in your first class.

You didn't text him Sunday night, not wanting to feel too clingy after the night you spent together.

I know I like him and I think the feeling is mutual...but I don't want to look like an idiot.

You took a little extra care into your outfit this time, dressing into some black shorts with a baggy band shirt, finishing off with black thigh high socks and some classic converse. You finished getting ready and headed to class, your anticipation to see Katsuki slowly building.

You entered the room and your eyes immediately went to the chair behind yours, noticing it was still empty.

You breathed a quiet sigh of disappointment and took your seat. As you were placing your notes onto your desk, you heard the door and automatically looked up.

Striding in, an indifferent confidence surrounding him, was the object of your thoughts for the past 24 hours.

He looked up and smirked at you, walking towards his seat. As he began to pass your desk, you gave him a half smile and he casually leaned down and pecked your cheek, making you get flustered at the public affection.

He chuckled quietly and took his seat, you feeling his eyes boring into you.

Before you could interact anymore, class began and you were forced to try and focus. It didn't last long though.

You felt him tap your shoulder and you turned around to see him holding up his phone, giving it a quick little shake, signaling he wanted you to text him.

You quietly pulled out your phone and brought up his contact name and typed out a quick message.


                                                                 Katsuki 🔥:
                You look good today. And now I finally have your number. You didn't text me.

Your cheeks warmed up at his message, and you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face.

Not so bad yourself there, Katsuki. And sorry, I didn't want to bother you.

Katsuki 🔥:
I wouldn't have put my number in if I didn't want you to bother me, dumbass. The idiots are having a beach party. Want to come with me?

You scoffed at his retort, but couldn't think of a good response since he had a good point.

Must be the last one of the summer then it's almost getting to be too cold.

Katsuki 🔥:
I'll warm you up 😉

You snickered at his response, turning your head just enough to peer over your shoulder at him with a smirk before turning back around.

I'll hold you to that, then.

You placed your phone back down to continue taking notes and it seemed Katsuki did the same as your phone didn't vibrate again.

As class was being dismissed you gathered your things and turned to face him, seeing him standing there waiting for you.

"So when's the party?" You hiked your bag onto your shoulder.

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