33 🍋

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After coming back from your parents, the break you had between semesters was almost over all too quickly.

Tonight Kiri was throwing a huge party to enjoy the last bit of freedom you all had before school would once again consume your lives.

As you finished applying your last bit of makeup, Katsuki was casually sprawled out on your bed, one arm propping his head up while he scrolled through his phone but you felt his eyes on your body repeatedly through your process of getting ready.

Turning towards him, you smiled lightly as his eyes moved over you hungrily.

You had paired a sleek black top with the same red leather skirt you wore on Halloween, knowing you both shared the same memory of the amazing sex you had that night.

Katsuki raised from the bed and stalked over to you, pulling you to him by your waist.

"I vote we stay here." He muttered, his hands rubbing and squeezing your sides softly.

You smiled up at him as you planted a soft kiss on his mouth before pulling away again before he could continue it.

"We promised Kiri. And plus I could use a good drink before this semester starts." You rolled your eyes as you mentioned classes.

"Fine. But I'm tearing this up later." Katsuki finished his sentence with a sharp slap to your ass, making you jump into him.

Feeling the heat flood your body, you shook your head to keep yourself from giving in immediately.

Clearing your throat, you ignored the smirk he was giving you as you gathered up your things and headed towards the party with Katsuki in tow beside you.

Meeting up with the rest of the group in the kitchen, you were enjoying the laughter and drinks with your friends as the night went on.

Wow. Friends...real ones.

You snorted softly at your thought, as it definitely made you sound crazy. But it was true none the less.

The friends you had now genuinely cared about your well being, and treated you with respect and not pity or expecting something.

As the night went on, Katsuki asked if you wanted another drink while he got one, and you nodded and kissed him thank you as he raised from the couch you were currently occupying.

The others were all engaged in conversation or out dancing, and you were content with just enjoying the high fuzzy feeling the alcohol and weed had given you as you relaxed and waited for Katsuki to come back.

Your eyes briefly scanned the room and your happy mood turned sour instantly.

By the entryway to the kitchen, was Katsuki with two drinks in his hand and a fierce scowl on his face.

His scowl was directed slightly downwards towards a head of light brown hair standing in front of him.

The pictures you had received on your phone from before flipped through your mind in a reel, making your blood boil in your veins.

All it took was seeing her raise her hand up and run it down Katsuki's bicep, causing him to flinch away, before you were seeing red.

Before you could even comprehend what you were doing, your legs had walked you over to them both.

Katsuki glanced up and a worried look flashed over his eyes as you approached.

Your eyes weren't set on him though as you tightly gripped her shoulder and spun Camie around to face you.

Her face changed in emotions, from surprised to confused to finally recognition and a smirk settled onto her face.

She opened her mouth to speak but before a word was uttered, your fist landed against it.

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