26 🍋

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This chapter will be in BAKUGO'S point of view, starting at entering the bar.     😉 - A

I don't want to fucking be here.

Shitty hair pushed another shot into my hand, lifting one of his own into the air as a signal to join him.

I just shot a glare at him but downed the shot anyways.

Getting fucked up is what got me into this fucking shit anyways.

Y/N runs through my mind constantly. Everything reminds me of her. I want to know what she's doing, how she's doing, if she's thinking of me...

Over the music, I hear the loud laughter of my friends that stir me from my thoughts and internally sigh.

Grabbing a bottle, I stood up from our table and stalked off to a quieter spot of the bar, going unnoticed as the others were busy laughing and joking.

Good. I want to be left alone right now.

Sipping from the beer, I casually scanned the room of people, my eyes doing a double take when I saw her.


I blinked a few times.

Yep. It was her.

I caught her eyes, and she looked like she had seen a ghost. Her eyes were wide and her lips parted open in a soft gasp.

She looks amazing

As I gazed at her, my eyes traveled upwards on her body and narrowed at a pair of hands on her waist.

My stare flicked upwards to the face, and I felt my blood boil.

Fucking Monoma, of all fucking people?

Is this a fucking joke?

I watched them, feeling my face distort into an even deeper scowl than I usually had.

Y/N suddenly turned around, breaking eye contact from me.

She began to dance again with that piece of shit, beginning to grind her perfect body against his.

I felt myself about to break the glass bottle currently in my hand.

Then, I watched that smug bastard tilt Y/N's chin up, and I felt my muscles contract on instinct.

Images of Y/N under Monoma, making those sweet moans and whimpers for him and not me, his hands everywhere only I should get to touch.

Fuck NO.

Play "Fuel" by Metallica

Before I knew it, my legs were carrying me over towards them.

Seeing her face staring up at him, in a mixture of shock and horror, I only felt my rage intensify when I realized she wasn't wanting nor ready for that kiss.

My hand grabbed ahold of his shirt collar as I tore his body away from hers.

"Get your fucking hands off of my girl."

His face was twisted in confusion but a smug glare settled onto his features as he recognized me.

"Your girl? Hmm, didn't seem like she's yours." Monoma replied sarcastically. "But then again...neither did Camie."

Oh your fucking dead.

His smug grin dropped pretty fucking quick when I reeled back my fist, faster than he could hope to squirm away.

Feeling the crack of his nose under my knuckles sent me into a blind state. All of my frustration from this past week came pouring into my fists, knocking into him over and over.

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