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It had been a few more days since you and Katsuki broke up. It was in the middle of the week now, and you were dreading the weekend when you wouldn't have any friends to occupy yourself with to keep your mind off of Katsuki.

Unfortunately, being the loner you are, you were almost caught up on assignments since you didn't have anything else to do. One left for now. Doing homework was the only time your mind could be occupied.

You hadn't been able to even talk to anyone about it. Your parents? Nah, not that desperate yet. Friends? Those were Katsuki's before you. Talking to them felt...out of place.

Doing this alone was your only option at this point, but it wasn't like it was your first time either...

Sulking into yourself, you trudged through the library looking for the book you needed for the assignment you were currently using to avoid your problems.

Scanning the aisles, you finally found it. As you reached for it, another hand grabbed onto the other side of the cover beside yours.

You looked over mildly startled, and were met with crystal blue eyes that glanced down your figure and back up to your eyes.

"Uh, sorry, did you need this?" You felt awkward, not wanting to particularly give up the book because you wanted to get the assignment done, but you also were too nervous to straight take it away from the stranger's hand.

"Yea...I'm gonna guess this is for the Bio class this semester?" His voice was smooth. You noticed him taking in your features as he spoke, and he seemed to have a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"You'd be right. Are you in that class too?" You questioned him, finding yourself noting he was kinda cute.

Not like Katsuki though...

You shook the thought from your mind, and returned your attention back to the current blonde in your presence.

"Unfortunately. Well, the library only has this copy left, would you just want to share?" He suggested, raising an eyebrow at you as he waited your response.

You thought it over for a moment while chewing your bottom lip then shrugged in defeat. "I guess so."

He smiled down at you. "Neito Monoma." He stuck his other hand out.

"Y/N L/N." You put your hand in his to shake and found it warm.

Taking the book off the shelf, he turned to face you, indicating he was going to follow you so you walked out from the aisle and over to an empty table with a few seats.

Pulling out a chair, you sat down and got out your notes and laptop, beginning to pull up the assignment as he settled in to the seat beside you.

Placing the book between the two of you, you both started to quietly begin the assignment. Neither of you spoke, just a few quiet coughs here and there.

This is awkward..

You opened the book to the chapter you both needed, and eventually fell into a good pace of working through it as your brain went into auto pilot for a bit.

You didn't fail to notice however, that throughout the time Monoma would flick his eyes over to you periodically. You felt yourself fidget under his gaze, keeping your eyes down to avoid meeting his.

"What did you find for number 5?" He asked you, making you look up at him finally.

"Oh, uh, here you can just see mine." You turned your laptop towards him and he leaned over to see your input.

You could smell his cologne drifting from him, it smelled expensive.

What's with all the cologne on these men jfc

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