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Cue the angst - A

Days had passed since the costume party.

You were currently in your dorm, munching on some snacks and watching a movie while Katsuki was at the gym with Kiri.

Your phone buzzing on the table caught your attention. Leaning forward to grasp it, the screen lit up at your touch highlighting a message that made you narrow your eyes.

Can we please talk?

You chewed your lower lip in thought. You had ignored her for awhile now, leaving her on read so she could see you were at least still alive; just choosing not to speak with her since the blow up at lunch.

With a sigh, you began to tap away on the screen.


Within seconds the screen lit up again, this time your mother calling you.

You took a deep breath before sliding across the bar.

"Hi." You answered flatly, feeling awkward and still bitter towards her.

"Y/N...it's nice to hear from you, honey." Her voice was soft through the phone.

You scoffed at the pet name.

Since when does she say that shit?

"What did you want?" You huffed, leaning back into the couch.

"I-..." there was a pause, and you waited for her to find the words she wanted to say.

"I'm so sorry."

You didn't reply, just let the words that have never fallen from her lips sink in. As nice as it was to hear, you weren't going to let her back in that easily. So you waited for more.

"I really haven't been a good mother to you. I kept ourselves up on a pedestal, and I just expected you to naturally join us there on your own. Your father and I, we...we just didn't understand what was going on with you."

Understatement of the year.

"You never tried. You just sent me to a therapist, who was a huge bitch by the way, and let her keep shoving pills into my hands. And, well you know the ending to that story, don't you?" Your laugh at the end was snide and forced.

"I know. You're right. We could have done so much more. We..we should have done so much more. That night...when we found you at the stairs...I-I don't think I've ever felt fear like that."

Your eyes widened but you didn't reply, your mother taking your silence as a cue to continue.

"Seeing you hooked up to everything in the hospital, it just scared me. I didn't want to see you in that state. I know we should have been there when you woke up. I-..I don't have...there's no excuse. It was a mistake."

The silence through the phone was deafening. You were processing her words and she was waiting for you to speak; to say anything on the other end.

"I'm not ready to forgive you. I've waited a little too long for this apology." You kept your voice stern and unwavering, despite the hammering in your chest.

"I understand. I didn't expect forgiveness from this call...but I hope you would let me and your father...give it another try?" Her voice sounded earnest, and you faltered for a moment.

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