34 🍋 (End)

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The following morning you were wide awake before Katsuki.

Your eyes had snapped open when you remembered last nights events, and a dozen scenarios began to play themselves out in your mind.

It still felt satisfying.

Releasing a sigh, Katsuki stirred beside you.

"Stop overthinking." He grumbled at you without opening his eyes.

"Yea I'll get right on that." You rolled your eyes but let out a quiet gasp as you were suddenly pulled underneath Katsuki, with him keeping himself raised above you on his elbow.

His eyes bore into your own, and you felt yourself becoming quickly lost in them.

"She's not gonna do anything. Nobody at that party will vouch for her that she didn't start it." Katsuki spoke, slowly so that his words sink in for you.

"Okay..." you agreed with a swallow.

He leaned down to plant a kiss on your lips, lingering there for a moment before pulling away.

"Now get up. Your breath stinks." He smiled mischievously as you narrowed your eyes at him while simultaneously snapping your mouth shut.

You shoved him off you and gave him the finger as you walked towards the bathroom with him chuckling behind you.

Later that day, you were both cuddling on the couch watching some silly horror movie and laughing at the cringey attempts at gore.

Katsuki's phone dinged, and he leaned over to check it.

"Shitty Hair wants us to come over. Another LAN party." Katsuki sighed before setting his phone back down.

"Do you not want to go? I had fun last time." You looked up at him and smirked, knowing that he was recalling the same memory of the first time you slept together. He glanced down at you with a wink; making you smile bigger.

"We can if you want to." He spoke into your temple while crushing you into his side with his arm around your back.

You sighed contentedly at the action, and let your eyes shut blissfully.

Later that evening, you walked into the familiar house and smiled at the scene around you.

Denki and Mina were arguing over where to plug things in, Denki claiming he was a "god of electricity" and knew what would work best, and Mina not-so-gently reminding him that he was electrocuted 5 times this past year.

Kiri gave you and Katsuki a toothy grin and wave before returning to his task of placing chairs and tables around.

"Hey Y/N! Want to help me roll?" Sero waved you over and you nodded while releasing Katsuki's hand and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

You felt him give a sharp tap on your ass before you walked away and you turned to look at him, swooning internally at the playful smirk on his face as he walked off towards Kiri.

Smiling happily you made your way over to Sero and sat down beside him on the couch, taking a tray from the table in front of you to begin rolling alongside him.

"How ya doing girlie?" Sero asked while you two worked through the motions.

"I can't complain I guess, not looking forward to classes starting this semester but simultaneously looking forward to changing my degree around." You replied with a smile at the thought.

"Oh yah! Bakugou mentioned you were thinking of doing a science degree, very cool."

"Did he now? That little gossiper..." you chuckled.

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