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As you walked out from the kitchen you saw Denki plop into your seat and you paused.

"Beat it Pikachu! That's Y/N's seat!" He snapped at him, causing Denki to whine.

"Why? You guys already played, I wanted to do Halo tonight!" Denki crossed his arms like a child and pouted.

Bakugo was about to rip into him again when you spoke up.

"It's okay, I bet you I can beat you at every game Bakugo." You picked your nails nonchalantly as you waited for the eruption.

"I'll fucking end you!" He barked back at you, but a devious smile played on his features.

"Prove it." You simply shrugged and walked over towards the now vacant bean bag chairs.

He left Denki on the couch to join you, and you both began your next round of games.

You weren't as good at this one, so you were beginning to be a few shots deep plus the drink you had been nursing throughout the night. You were feeling the rush of heat in your chest and you felt giddy, and when you beat Bakugo in the last round you stood and cheered for yourself while he grasped the controller tight enough to snap it in two while you patted him on the shoulder in mock comfort.

"I'm gonna take a break from the games, go outside to get some air." You said as you felt yourself wobble slightly when taking the first few steps.

You made your way to the back porch and leaned against the railing, closing your eyes as you felt the breeze dance across your skin, giving your legs goosebumps from the exposure.

You heard the door and looked up to see Bakugo coming towards you, noticeably more calm.

You smiled at him and he lifted his hand to reveal a joint between his fingers, an invitation to smoke with him.

You sat down on the steps leading into the backyard and he joined you, leaving some distance between the two of you which you internally frowned at but didn't let it show on your face.

Lighting it, he passed it over to you and you both sat in comfortable silence for a moment while you smoked.

"How are you so good at these games?" He finally broke the silence, taking a hit from the joint after.

"I just didn't have a lot of things to do growing up...I didn't get to make many friends. Games were something for me to do, and they kept me out of trouble, as far as my parents saw." You absentmindedly played with the string of your shoe as you rested your chin on your knee.

"Why didn't you make friends?" You felt his eyes watching you as you took the joint from his hand and inhaled, thinking over your words.

"I did. Just not very good ones. I have...some issues that make it hard to deal with me sometimes I guess. The friends I did make bailed the minute things got hard." You shrugged, not really sure what else to say.

I feel like such a loser when I say it out loud.

Bakugo, seeming to sense your unease, spoke up again.

"Well their loss. You don't seem like a shithead to me. And if friends can't stick around for someone when they need them the most, then fuck em cuz they weren't your friends to begin with."

You looked over at him, a smile growing across your face as he glanced away from you.

"Thanks. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me." You couldn't help the stupid smile that was making itself permanent on your face.

"Damn you need to get out more then." He chuckled, making you join him until you were both laughing stupidly on the porch.

The breeze came back around and your body did an involuntary shiver, which Bakugo didn't fail to notice. He scooted himself closer to you and sat with his leg flush with yours and his side pressed against you.

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