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Athira was practicing for her dance performance, when neil entered the room with a small bouquet of lavenders and orchids. Angry athira made many faces but seein her favourite flowers she melted down and asked, "do you know they are my favourite?"

Her honest husband replied,"no, had I known I would have not chased you wih the roses." They smiled at each other and went to sleep. Actually only athira was sleeping. Neil was busy thinking. He stood up and making the least sound went to the bar. He took out a whiskey bottle and poured it in. He drank it whole in a go and then poured more.

Neil left the end of the picture and pranav placed it next to his heart. neil exclaimed, "seems like its a very important picture to you."

"Yes it is. Precious then my life.", pranav embraced it.

"Oh, so whose pic is it?"

"The love of my life!"

"Well if you keep her pictures with this amount of care, I can imagine the queenly services she must be getting!"

"The day she comes back, she will never have to step up from her throne."

"Come back?"

"She left me few years ago, I was not worth her back then." , even as pranav said this he had a smile on his face. Neil found it weird. He never so a lover like pranav before.

"Can we sit down?", Pranav asked.

"Sure! How about a drink?"

"No, I don't drink."

"Hey but devdas and drinjs go hand in hand.", they both laughed

"Actually she didn't like alcohol at all."

"She must be a good girl. I would introduce you to my wife, she loves the bar. Oh no I am sorry I would have to leave."

"That's fine. But what happened? Is everything fine?"

"Actually my wife is angry with me and to convince her I came down to the lawn for getting some flowers. She is a child I tell you." , neil laughed and they both stood up. Pranav felt a little jealous as he didn't get his childish wife yet. Thy both walked along the flower to find somethig suitable.

"She don't like roses. ", neil informed pranav who pointed towards a beautiful red rose.

"Wow, what a coincident even she didn't like roses. Her favourite were orchids and lavenders."

"Well so lets try this today."
Pranav helped neil gather the flowers and make a pretty bouquet.

Before leaving neil turned towards neil and said,"I am sorry but I am curious to see the magical girl who have an impact on you even though she is long gone."

"Yes sure."

Pranav was about to show the picture to neil when nikita called him. Nikita ran down to where they were and greeted neil. She introduce them formally. She took athira's picture from pranav and said,"stop it". Neil saw the heating up environment and therefore left.

*flashback over*

I don't understand you God. What are you trying to do? So many broken hearts, so many incomplete stories! Did you just forgot to write the ending? Is it going to be like this forever? well a lover like pranav is hard to find. Why that girl left him? I don't know if she is worth him.

He stood up and went near the pool. He saw the reflection of moon in the water and then looked up.

I don't believe them when they say you are a perfectionist. Everything you created have some odds. Look at this moon itself. I have always had faith in you but seeing pranav like this breaks my hope. Please God please finish this story. Give it an ending it deserves. Untangle these stories and show him and me the path. Don't let my trust in you shatter.

He drank by the pool for quite sometime and hen went back to his room to get some sleep.

Author's note
Strange! Isn't it? How easily they became friends. Unaware of the strangest equation they share. Neil left the picture easily because it belonged to pranav. But will he leave athira's hand this easily when he gets to know about her belongings. Whose heart woukd be broken and who will win her. I don't know. These three years have changed so much for athira. The alcohol hater now lives on alcohol. Maybe her favourite flowers are still the same but doesn't really means she is also the same.

Well what will happen, what will not is yet to be seen. Coming back soon with more chapters! Leave me some suggestion too. Keep loving and voting. It only boosts me up!

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