Chapter 5

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Liam's Pov

"What the hell is this shit Niall" I yell looking at the mess on the bathroom floor. There is a towel soaked with blood and a razor with dried blood on it. Not to mention there is blood on the tile. Zayn comes up behind me and gasps his eyes watering.

"Niall mate please tell me this isn't what it looks like" Zayn whispers. We look at Niall who has his head in his hands. He doesn't answer at first but then he shakes his head no indicating that it is exactly what it looks like. We walk up to him and give him a big hug from each side of him while he cries. After a few minutes I let go and Zayn takes over soothing him while I walk back into the bathroom and grab him some tissues water and alive. I walk back to Zayn and Niall who has stopped crying now. I hand him the medicine water and tissues then go back to clean up the bathroom. Once I'm done I sit on the bed with Niall and Zayn.

"Niall why did you do this mate you should of just talked to us you know we are always here for you." I say looking at him while he looks at his hands.

"I didn't just start Liam. I started when I was twelve and stopped a few months before X-Factor. I didn't talk to ya because you wouldn't understand." he says still not looking at us.

"So help us understand Niall. We still want to be here for you" Zayn says touching Niall's thigh sympathetically but he flinches away. " Sorry" Zayn whispers

"It helps with the pain like the internal pain... the type of pain that doesn't heal. If I have all of my attention on the physical pain I don't think about the internal pain." He finishes explaining and it actually does make a lot of sense. I just wish he would of found some other way to escape his internal pain.

"Look we get it mate but this is really bad for you. You know that right. And you know we care about you too so please before you ever think about doing this again give us a call and talk to us ok" I say lifting his head up so he has to look me in the eyes.

"Only if you promise not to tell anybody even Louis and Harry" he negotiates with us and we happily take up his offer.

"Can we see them" Zayn asks then adds "Just to make sure we don't need to take to to the hospital because there was a lot of blood in the bathroom" Niall sighs and takes off his sweatpants slowly lifting up the leg of his boxers. His cuts were really deep and they needed stitches.

"Niall you need stitches" I say handing him back his pants. He groans but doesn't argue with me probably because he knows I'm right. After he puts on his pants we drive him to the hospital where he gets his stitches. The doctor said to use crutches until you feel comfortable walking on it. We drop him off and tell him to get some rest and we would check on him tomorrow. We don't drive off until he gets into the house just to make sure he is safe. We can only pray that Niall will be okay. Soon they need to tell the fans about there new relationship status. We are headed on our way to Harry's house to see how he is doing and see if he could talk to Niall to see if he is ok because We know he isn't and Harry should know that too.

Before it's to late and Niall does something stupid.

Louis' Pov

Harry pulls away from the kiss much quicker than I had wished he would. I've been in love with him ever since X-Factor and now that I know he loves me back I want to be in a relationship with him. "What's wrong Harry" I say looking into his mesmerizing green eyes.

"It's just that this feels wrong. Not even nine hours ago I was in a relationship with Niall and now I'm snogging one of our best mates. I mean I want this but I feel like if we tell the boys they would think that we were rushing into things and then they would think that I'm not in the right state of mind. " he explains and I get it but I really want to be in a relationship with him.

"What if we just wait a week to tell them because I really want to be in a relationship with you Harry. I've been waiting so long"

"I know Lou and we can be in a relationship but lets not tell them until the twelfth of September okay. Then maybe Niall won't be as heartbroken and maybe he will approve of us dating"

"Thank you Harry. I love you so much" I say kissing him again.

"I love you" he mumbles into the kiss. I pull him on top of me so he is straddling my hips. As the kiss deepens it becomes more lustful. As Harry reaches for my shirt we hear somebody clear their throat. I back away from the kiss slowly then turn around to see Liam and Zayn standing there with emotions of confusion hurt disbelief and curiosity on their faces.

Well this ruins our plan.


Okay guys I'm so sorry for not updating my schedule got a little hectic and before you know it its been 18 days and I ju

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