Chapter 7

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Louis' Pov

September 13th

All the boys and I arrived at Niall's house at 8 o'clock in the morning knowing that he would be sleeping right now. It's his birthday today we were throwing him a party whether he likes it or not. He hasn't been out the house unless its for a concert or an interview ever since Harry broke up with him.

We sneak inside and walk into his room where he is sleeping like a baby. He looks so cute. He is like the bands youngest brother (even though harry is younger) and we always do what we can to protect him. We flip the light switch and all yell surprise. He bolts up from his sleep and then realizes it's just us and burst out into laughter.

"Thanks guys what are you doing here so early" he says rubbing his eyes

"We came to make sure you had a good birthday" Harry says jumping on the bed so that he is laying right next to him.

"Also to make sure you get smashed tonight" I add sitting at the end of the bed facing both of them.

"I am actually going to agree with Louis on this one you need to have fun today so after the concert Paul is going to drive us to where your party is and then he will drive us back here where we will sleep off our hangovers." Liam says as Zayn and him sit in the chairs on the other end of the room.

"Sounds like you guys have this all planned out" Niall chuckles resting his head on the headboard.

"All for you buddy. Today is your day. It's all about you today" Harry says grabbing his hand and smiling at him. I can't help but get jealous. I have every reason to since they've dated before. I've liked Harry ever since the X-Factor days and now that I have him I can't lose him. I grab Harry's ankles lightly causing him to look at me. I look at his and Niall's intertwined hands then back at him. He got the hint and reluctantly let go of his hand. I furrow my eyebrows at him and then he sighs shaking his head signaling we can talk about it later. Right as I'm about to say something Niall gets up and stretches his arms and legs.

"I'm gonna go for a wee then we can go watch some football (or soccer whatever you like to call it) in the living room. Liam what time do we have to be at the arena" Niall says

"4 o'clock its only 8:05 though we should have time to have fun. We will meet you in there lets go lads" Liam says as he leads the way to the living room. Before we get there I pull him into the hallway that leads into the kitchen.

"What was that mate?" I whisper yell at him my jealously getting the best of me.

"What me grabbing Niall's hand. If you think I still have feelings for him like that I don't. He's like my shorter older brother. It's just like when all of us would give one other love bites while Niall and I were still dating. It's nothing Louis. I still love you okay. No need to get jealous." he explains and I instantly feel better. He kisses me and I kiss back but pull away before it gets to heated.

"I'm sorry Haz." I say grabbing his hand.

"It's ok Lou. lets go they're probably waiting on us. I'm sure by now Niall ought to be done taking a wee. That never took long with him." he chuckles and I roll my eyes but smile non the less smile as we walk into the living room with intertwined hands. Everyone is already there by the time we get back. Liam is sitting on one end of the couch with Niall on the other end. Niall's feet are resting across Liam's lap. Zayn is sitting in front of that couch as they all stare at the intense game of football (soccer). There is one love seat left and I realize they sat like that on purpose. "Thanks lads" I smile as me and Harry squeeze into the love seat. Zayn and Niall mumble a your welcome obviously into the game but Liam looks up at us and smirks.

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