Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

After the fifteen minutes of awkward silence Louis drops me off at Niall's flat with a small goodbye. I walk up the stairs to Niall's door and open it with the key I still have from when we were dating. I walk into the living room to see Liam and Niall cuddling on the couch asleep. 

I chuckle and turn off the movie that was playing on the TV and gently wake up Liam up.  He groans and stretches before untangling himself from Niall's body.

"Hey Haz. How was your dinner and movie with Louis?" He asks climbing over niall and walking to the kitchen.

"It was very interesting. He told me he wanted to get back together with me but I had told him I was trying to work things out with Niall. He just got mad at me and stopped talking. Also this reminds me I have a question for you. I thought you might know."

"What is it?"

"Has Niall started cutting himself again?" I ask keeping my voice down just in case Niall wakes up.

"Again? When had he started? As far as I know he hasn't started at all. He had just been really sad and he was having bad dreams. He never told me what those were about. I had just assumed he was sad about the breakup between you two." He seems genuine so I decide that he's telling the truth which was relieving.

"Well just like I told Louis he cut before X-Factor because of his ex boyfriend Nick who used to abuse him." I frown. Just talking about it just makes me so angry. How could anyone do that to anybody. Let alone Niall.

"Wow. I honestly never knew. He never told me." Liam says frowning.

"Yeah. It's horrible. I'm going to try and talk to him when he wakes up."

"Well okay. I won't keep you then. Tell me how it goes." Liam says slipping on his shoes.

"Okay. Take care, Li." I say as he walks out the door. I lock it behind him and walk over to Niall picking him up and walking him to his bed. I set him down gently as he stirs slightly, kissing his forehead. I go to change into some joggers and a loose tee shirt and climb in bed next to Niall. I turn to face him before wrapping him gently in my arms and going to sleep.


ive done it again i love all of your comments they are adorable i love them so much thank you for the comments and the votes and the reads you all mean so much to me 

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