Chapter 10

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Harry's POV


"Oh my fucking god Niall your awake!" I say practically jumping out of my own skin. "Do you need anything? Do you want me to get the nurse? I'm going to get the nurse." I ramble running my words together. I start to stand up, but he grabs my hand again and tries to pull me back but fails because he is so weak right now; but I get the message and sit back down. "I'm sorry I'm just so happy your awake." I whisper smiling at him ear to ear.

"Haz..." he frowns cupping my cheek softly as I lean into his hand. "You look horrible." He says coughing a little. I stand up and grab him some water and a straw and bring it back to him. On my way back to him I pass by a mirror and just realize how bad I actually look. I'm pale and my cheeks are hallowed in. it looks like I haven't ate in a week; which isn't true because I have just not a healthy amount of food. I've just lost my appetite. And don't get me started on my hair. It looks so greasy since I haven't washed it since the accident. I hand him the water and watch him drink it before I talk.

"I haven't left this room ever since you fell into the coma and-" I was cut off by Niall look at me like I've gone crazy.

"Coma? I was in a coma? For how long?" he says. He must have so many questions.

"Yeah you were in a coma, love. For a week and a half. What's the last thing you remember?" I ask brushing his hair back off of his face.

"I was driving... and I wanted Starbucks so I turned on this street... and... there was this truck going the wrong way. And I tried to swerve around him. I guess the road was more narrow than I thought... I, um... feel into the ditch... and then I wake up here and your telling me that I've been a coma for a week and a half. It's just-" he stops talking and starts to cry silently. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said it didn't break my heart. "I'm sorry." he sniffles.

"Baby, I know it's a lot to take in right now. Never be sorry for having feelings ok. It's ok to cry." I say gently as a cup his cheeks and swipe my thumbs across the tears. After he has stopped crying I kiss him gently on the forehead. "Do you have any questions because I'll answer them as best as i can. " I ask. He nods slightly and takes a deep breath. "Take your time. We've got all day." I reassure him.

"Week and a half, right?" He asks. I nod. "Where are the other boys?"

"They went to the nearest hotel. Said that the chairs were uncomfortable to sleep on and they didn't want to sleep on the floor. They made me take the couch." I say as he grabs my hand.

"How much did you sleep?" 

"Niall, this isn't about me-" he cuts me off before I can finish what I was saying.

"Yes it is Harry." he snaps, "You haven't left ever since and you tell me that it's not about you. It looks like you haven't eaten in weeks Haz..." He trails off grabbing my hand. "That's not healthy, Harry." He frowns.

"I've eaten; Just not much. And I've slept just when the boys came. I'm okay. I'm perfect actually just seeing that you finally woke up." I decide not to call him out on what Liam told me about him not eating himself. It goes quiet for a few minutes before he speaks again.

"Did you really mean it." he says so quietly that I almost don't catch it.

"Did I mean what, love." I say brushing his hair back again. It usually calms him down when I play with his hair.

"What you were saying before you realized I was up." He says avoiding my gaze. I grab his chin softly, forcing him to look at me.

"I meant every single word."

"You hurt me so much Harry." he laughs bitterly. His eyes are glossing over and soon tears are spilling out. "You were so rude. Why would you tell me that you cheated on me when you didn't. It's just hard to understand." he sniffles.

"I know baby, I know. I was so stupid. I was just mad that you claimed that I didn't care about you. I care about you more than anything in the whole wide world." He chuckles and I kiss his hand

"What eles did Liam tell you?  You know... About me?" He asks hitting his lip in a nervous manner

"Nothing. Why? Is there something else I should know?" He shakes his head quickly

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'. "What's the date?"

"September 25, 2015."

"Oh..." He says sighing.

"I know its a lot to take in; but I'll help you get through it ok. I wanna take you to my house until your better. That is if you want to come?" I say. He smiles ear to ear which causes me to smile. He then nods his head and my smile gets bigger than I thought possible. "Great!" I smile. He chuckles but soon after his face contorts in pain. "Niall? Baby, what happened." I asks starting to get frantic

"It hurts." He say weakly.

"What hurts, baby." He points to his chest and then I remember that he fractured one of his ribs. "Shit, I forgot. Its your rib baby you fractured it. I'm gonna get a nurse, ok?" I say about to get up but he shakes his head in protest still gripping onto his chest with his unbroken hand. "Baby I have to I'm sorry. I know you don't like doctors but this needs to happen." I say standing up fully and kiss his forehead and run out the door.




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