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"how was it?" "It's sitting alright" "good. Go shower" "okay" jaylah stood up, only to be picked up "this doesn't help strengthen my legs" "niece or not, I don't need you hurting yourself" jaylah knows better than to argue. As rayal put her down, jaylah grinned "thanks for the ride" "anytime. Now move it" "okay I'm going" "jaylah do you need a hand?" Jaylah looked at Sally then the bathroom door "maybe" rayal grinned "good I will leave you women to it" rayal shut the door and Sally chuckled "I'm sure you are getting sick of being carried around" "I am but he's right. I can do damage if I walk too much. I have already had my hair washed, is there any chance.." "I can put it up in a high bun" jaylah grinned "when I'm better, I owe you" "sneak in a bigger pay" jaylah chuckled "I would get my ass kicked" "let's not". Entering the bathroom, Sally put jaylahs hair up in a high bun and turned the shower on. "You are concerned with standing in the shower?" "The balance thing you know" "understandable" jaylah slowly removed her clothes and got in.

"Let's get this cleaned up" "we can do it rayal" "it's fine. Gives me something to do" "he's always got to be doing something".
"We didn't expect a visit today" rayal looked at Bronx. 'jaylah didn't tell him' "thought we'd pop in on our way to our destination. Things still running well?" "As they can be. It seems people are learning but there is always some dumb new guy out there" "of course there is. Makes it interesting. What parts have you got covered?" "All directions within my area. Men are on full time, with rostered shifts" rayal nodded "there was a death in the west last night" "not to do with us. We haven't been crossed" "good. All it takes is one little hero thinking he can take over and the others follow" "that won't happen".
Hearing the front door, Bronx stepped out.
"Zaire, gage and Otto" "boss" "who did you trade with?" "Dax, Tyson and Rocco" Bronx showed a slight nod "alright" "oi Zaire" "what man. I'm fucking tired" "well I won't tell you the news then" "just fucking tell me" Bronx internally grinned "jaylahs back" Zaires eyes lit up "back? Where the fuck is she?" "Showering" "I knew that woman was strong" "zaire" "shit. Hey rayal" rayal grinned "it's good to see you" "you too" Zaire looked around then back to rayal with curiosity "no one is missing?" "Yep two females and a male" "hmm Martina, Casey and I'm guessing kia" "why kia?" "He's a fucking wanker and that sluts brother" rayal smirked "you are correct" "I'd say I'd miss them but I'd be lying. How is she going Christophe?" "She's doing well for what she has been through" "I'm glad to hear that. You know now that she is back, she is going to get on your cases about smoking" "I said hi first Zaire" rayal watched as Zaire turned to look at jaylah "oh we need to put some fat on your bones. You okay with hugs?" "Yep" Zaire grinned as he gave her a gentle hug "it's good to have you back jaylah" "it's good to see you Zaire. Have you been galavanting over the country side?" "Yep" "you look extremely tired" "yeah I know when I'm not wanted" jaylah grinned "not at all but.." "yeah yeah I'm going. Christophe was just smoking" rayal laughed as Zaire walked off and jaylah looked at Christophe. "You arent running yet, you can't tell me off" "fine you win this round" jaylah slowly walked over to rayal making him grin "it's either the back or sit" "I will sit" "good. I have something for you" "why?" "Because you are my niece" jaylah moved to sit down at the end of the table. She doesn't want to be breathing in the smoke. The smell is bad enough. Rayal grinned as he moved to sit next to her. "First I have these so you can kick all the men's asses in the place" jaylah grinned as she seen a brand new deck of cards. "Thanks uncle" "next, this. Already loaded with a range of music" jaylah grinned "now that will come in handy to block them out" "hey" rayal laughed as kalem spoke up. "And this" rayal handed jaylah a gift card "for when you gain weight. You can go and get yourself a full wardrobe" jaylah looked at the gift card. Seeing the amount, her eyes went wide "uncle this is way too much" "buy yourself everything you need and want. It can be used anywhere. You want to treat yourself to a spa day, do it" jaylah grinned "you are coming right?" "no way. that's just for you" jaylah grinned as barron and Ivan laughed "maybe you can convince Ivan" "nope" "you pull rank right?" Rayal had a cheeky grin on his face "Ivan.." "Nuh I fucking quit" jaylah and the men laughed "come on ivan, you can get that little goatee.." "not to be touched".
"It's only a short stop today but we will pop in often to see you" jaylah showed a slight nod "okay uncle. Thanks for all of this" "need to make sure you aren't bored while you recover and the other stuff is needed" "I still think it's too much" rayal grinned "never. Now are you planning to stay out here?" "For a little bit" "alright" rayal stood up and put his arms around jaylah "take care jaylah" "you too uncle rayal".
"Good bye jaylah" jaylah grinned "good bye Barron" Ivan smirked "I'm better. I want a hug" "you can have one" Ivan grinned as he gave jaylah a gentle hug "be good" "at it" "that's right".
When the men left, kalem moved to the end of the table next to jaylah. "give me a look at that" jaylah handed the card to kalem "holy shit" "yeah.. it's way too much" "no way. I will take you shopping" "he just wants to buy a mankini for himself" "fuck up idiot" jaylah let a small laugh slip "he's right. Maybe you can use some for that removal we spoke about" jaylah looked at kalem "yeah actually that's a good idea" kalem grinned "and to treat yourself" "well it's a treatment of some kind" "did you know they were coming?" "No" kalem internally grinned "well it was perfect timing. Fuck that idiot" "there's always one In a group right?" "That's true. I would've killed him anyway" "all of us".
As Gerald walked back in, kalem handed the card back to jaylah. "For a hard man, he surely spoils you" "I'm his only family" "yep and if anything happens to you, we are dead" "that's why you keep me alive huh?" Kalem smirked "of course" "ouch" "see this is why she called me, cos your services are shit" the men laughed "baby sitting services really?" "First thing that came to mind" as Gerald sat down, he lit up a smoke. 'Eww that's gross'. "I'm going to go test out this bad boy" "already has music on it?" "Yep" jaylah stood up and grabbed her things. "Need help?" "No thanks. I've got this" Calvin grinned "alright" jaylah slowly walked away and into the room. As she got to the bed, she sat back and rested her legs. Turning the ipod on, she looked through all of the music 'wow uncle surely put a lot of music on this' putting the pod in her ear, jaylah turned it on. 'finally some music to block everything out' leaving one out just so she can hear, jaylah closed her eyes.

"She seems well looked after in that place" "Gerald better pull his fucking head in otherwise Bronx will be a man down" "think he learnt?" "No. He's an arrogant son of a bitch. Hurts my niece and I won't hesitate.." "not only you rayal" "well she has Calvin, Zaire, kalem, Christophe, Bronx.." "most of those men. They all looked to be fuming when we entered" "I'm curious as to why they hadn't stopped him" rayal smirked "jaylah" "you think she told them not too?" "Yep" "why?" "I didnt ask but she is my niece" "she's not strong enough to fight him off" "not right now but if he had of got any closer, I'm sure one of the men wouldn't of hesitated in getting the asshole" "well by the look of the situation, they were ready too" rayal internally grinned. He knows jaylah would've razzed him up but doubts she would've started it. He's looking forward to the day, she can fight back more than verbally. He trusts Barron will train her well. He's just not sure why she chose Barron over Ivan. They both have strength and are fast but why not Ivan? Why not the men in the house?. He knows she trusts kalem and Christophe and they are close with her. That's the reason.. she's close with Barron but she knows he will push her limits.

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