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Sitting at the table, jaylahs phone rang. Looking at the number it was Lucian.
"Hi" "jaylah. Sleep well?" "Yep. You?" "Yep. We are still meeting today?" "Yes. when?" "Come to the gates and flash your lights twice. The men will know" "I will have people with me" "bring who you want"
As the front door opened jaylah looked at it. 'rayal, Barron and Ivan' "I will see you soon" "everything alright?" "Of course. it's no problem opal" Lucian immediately knew she had a visit "bye" "bye".
Rayal looked at jaylah and her phone as she hung up. "Morning" "hi" "how are you feeling?" "I'm good" "did you pull up alright from your birthday?" "It was good. Just steadied myself" rayal looked at jaylah with curiosity "you had drank quite a lot" "yes but then I slowed" as Bronx walked out he pulled Jaylah close "have you ate?" "Not yet. Just enjoying this" "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" jaylah faced rayal "Bronx and I are together. His arms are around me while he asks me.." "YOU ARE FUCKING MY NIECE?" "No one said we had slept together" "SAME FUCKING SHIT. I DIDNT BRING MY NIECE HERE FOR YOU TO FUCKING TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER" "hes not. He cares for me as I do him" rayal looked at Ivan. Seeing Ivan raise his gun jaylah turned and shielded Bronx by jumping at him. Getting a bullet to the back, Bronx felt jaylahs body jolt "STOP" Ivan lowered his gun. "Jaylah?" "You are okay" Bronx held onto jaylah tight. Finding her bullet wound he held pressure to it "let's get you to the back room" "YOU WONT BE TAKING MY NIECE ANYWHERE" "MY PARTNER NEEDS TO GET THE BULLET OUT" when men crowded the dining room, jaylah got down and looked at rayal with hatred "first it's my best mate and now my partner. What are you trying to do? Destroy my life?" "HE HAS NO FUCKING RIGHT TO TOUCH YOU" "it's my body. If I allow his arms around me you can't oppose" rayals hand clenched as he looked at Bronx "we will be seeing you soon bronx" jaylah internally grinned but kept her eyes on rayal showing no emotion as Bronx held pressure to her back "I'm done with you. With the three of you. I thought you cared, I thought you were my family but you tried to kill my best mate and now my partner. You also broke my rib and my cheek was broken.." "DONT PUT THAT SHIT ON ME. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF" jaylah glared at rayal, Barron and Ivan "I think it's time you leave" "YOU ARE MY NIECE. YOU WILL BE COMING WITH ME" "no" as jaylah said that all men raised their guns "I won't be coming with you. I will not have you break me down anymore. I want to live my life" rayal looked at all the men then back to jaylah "I'm your only family jaylah" jaylah kept her eyes on rayals "what family wants to see another hurt, to be shot, to be in pain, to be ripped down?" "I FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU AND ONLY WANT WHATS BEST FOR YOU" "Bronx treats me well" rayal shook his head "you just dug your own grave" jaylah didn't budge. As rayal, barron and Ivan walked out, jaylah walked straight to the back room with Bronx behind her "now what?" "Now I get this fixed and go see Lucian" Bronx is worried. Rayal isn't a man to be messed with. "Look I'm sorry..." "I'm going to kick your fucking ass for taking another bullet" "just fix it.. please" Bronx grinned. Removing the bullet, bronx then stitched it up. "It's done" "we have somewhere to be. I know you don't want me going on my own" "no" jaylah nodded "can I drive?" Bronx smirked "but it's not an Evo" "REY" Bronx laughed as Rey walked in "can I drive MY car?" Rey smirked "YOUR car?" "Yeah you know the Evo out the front?" "Fine but drive it like you own it" "yeah I will blow the cobwebs out" Rey threw the keys to jaylah and jaylah grinned "best we go wake Sally" "and kalem cos you know what he is like" "yeah I will go do that now".
Jaylah exited the back room and walked to kalems room. "Oi brother from another mother. I am leaving in ten, if you want to come" "I'm up" jaylah showed a slight nod then walked out. Entering Sally's room, jaylah spoke "oi sister from another mister, I'm leaving in ten if you want to come" "I'm getting up and will be ready" "okay I will make you a travel cup".
Jaylah walked to the kitchen and grabbed two travel cups 'fuck this shit. I'm so fucking pissed off. Why can't he be happy for me?' finishing making Sally's and kalems coffees they both walked into the kitchen. "Here you two" "jaylah are you alright?" "Gun shot to the back?" "WHAT?" Jaylah took a deep breath "uncle rayal came here. You'd think he'd be happy for me right? Oh no, he tried to shoot Bronx" "oh shit" "it's time I speak with Lucian" kalem nodded "we'll be there" "thanks. Ready?" "Yep" "yes" "then let's go get Bronx. I have Rey's keys" Sally laughed "the Evo?" "Damn right" kalem and Sally laughed.
Exiting the kitchen Bronx walked out to the dining room. "Ready to go?" "Yep" Bronx nodded "you are driving?" "Sure am" "I hope you two can hold on" Sally and kalem smirked "yep".
Getting in the car, jaylah started it up and let it run for a minute as the others piled in. Putting it into gear, jaylah internally grinned as she kicked it around and took off down the drive way. "You need a license" "we have been through this" "so they do talk" jaylah and bronx internally grinned "while he slams me against the wall.." "nah I don't want to hear this" "I do, shut up" jaylah laughed "I knew you would" "nope. No and no" Bronx smirked "now look what you have done to the poor kid" "I'm not poor, I won her money" Bronx laughed. "let's get this done" "yep".
Driving to Lucians, jaylah pulled up in the driveway and flashed her lights twice. Seeing the gates open, jaylah grinned "do we let them know we are here?" Sally had a cheeky grin on her face "turn me on baby" "hard and rough right?" "The only way" jaylah kicked the car into gear and fishtailed up the driveway. When Lucian walked out, he laughed as he watched jaylah drive up the drive way. 'that sister of mine sure is wild'. As jaylah pulled up, she turned the car off and got out followed by the others.
"Who is this?" "I'm Sally. I'm the best woman there is and share the same birthday as your sister to prove it" Lucian grinned "Lucian. Good to meet you. Come in" entering the house, jaylah looked around. Seeing three women look her way in disgust, jaylah stopped. "Jaylah?" Jaylah walked their way and sat down "what the fuck are you doing here hoe?" The men all grinned as jaylah sat at the table. They have no idea who she is. "I suggest you shut your whore mouth" "don't come in here.." jaylah stood up slamming her hands on the table "who is Lucian to you?" "Boss" jaylah smirked "well meet his sister you fucking whores" all the girls eyes went wide with shock "next time it will be the gun" "you are jaylah?" "Yep. Bye now" the women looked at jaylah wide eyed as she walked off. "Behave yourself" jaylah looked at kalem "fuck that, I'm not putting up with disrespectful looks from them" Lucian internally grinned "I wouldn't expect anything less" bronx smirked but kept quiet "who were those three?" "Jasmine, Sarah and mariah" "well are those any of your fucks?" Lucian stopped and looked at jaylah "no. Those women are workers and that's it" "they fire?" "Yes but they don't cross the line" 'well that's good to know. Fucking stupid bitches' following Lucian to his office, lucian took a seat as every else stayed standing "there's seats. You are welcome me to grab one. But I want to speak with you jaylah. We haven't seen each other in fourteen years" "what do you want me to say?" "Tell me about you. I know you are my older sister but you are still my sister".
"Boss" jaylah looked at one of the women who walked in. "What?, can't you see. I have company?" "The situation?" "Leave it for now. I have business to discuss before I settle that" "right. I apologize jaylah. I didn't know who you were" "forgiven" the woman grinned "Im Sarah" "jaylah as you know. Bronx, kalem and Sally" "you are a boss?" "No" Sarah nodded "okay well good luck with Lucian, he can be quite ruthless" jaylah smirked "thanks for the warning".

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