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"shit morning" "yes" Christophe nodded "you have your training with vex today" "yep" "something up?" "Yep. Barron is coming here" "Barron? What the fuck for?" "Don't know".
"Morning guys" "morning" "morning" kalem looked at Christophe, seeing a worried look in his eyes, he shook his head "jaylah. Do you need to talk?" "No" 'shit she's not okay' as kalem walked towards jaylah, the front door slammed open.
In the corner of jaylahs eye, she seen Barron with a gun in his hand. 'rayal, Barron and Ivan are pissed at kalem' within a second, jaylah threw herself at kalem as barron let fire. "JAYLAH" feeling a ripping pain through her body, tears flowed down her cheeks. She knows she's done "they can't kill you kalem. I love you" kalem stood still not being able to speak. Barron looked as jaylah fell limp, kalem holding her in his arms. "NO. JAYLAH NOT FUCKING NOW" with tears running down his face, kalem looked at Barron as he raised his gun "YOU SHOT MY BEST FRIEND" Barron moved back as his eyes watered. "JAYLAH" Bronx immediately ran out and went to pick her up but kalem held her tight. All the men present sat silent just watching the scene unfold. "I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE" Barron stayed still not being able to move. He shot jaylah? He never expected her to move so fast. he never expected she would be the one to take the bullets. His job was to kill kalem' "YOU TELL YOUR BOSS..." "KALEM YOU NEED TO LET HER GO" "NO" "THEN GET HER TO THE FUCKING BACK ROOM" kalem kept his gun aimed at Barron as he carried jaylah. with Bronx blocking the view, kalem rushed jaylah to the back room. Quickly ripping at her clothes, he started Compressions. He can't fix her wounds right now but he can try bring her back. With every compression, tears blurred his vision "you can't fucking tell me that then let go. You have worked too fucking hard to get where you are" "kalem.." "NO IM NOT FUCKING GIVING UP ON HER" 'it's not going to register' Bronx ran out to the kitchen grabbing the defibrillator and ran back not caring about anything else. As kalem continued with compressions, Bronx set up the machine, placing the pads and turned it on. "Stand clear" Bronx immediately pulled kalem back. Watching her body get shocked, none of them had noticed the men start to come in, Sally being first.
As soon as the machine stopped, kalem immediately went back to giving her compressions "FUCKING HOLD ON JAYLAH. DO NOT LET THEM WIN" Bronx can see his an absolute mess as he is, but kalems not afraid of showing his emotions. Sally rushed to the cabinets grabbing everything they will need if she survives. They won't have much time. She is losing blood and lots of it. "need a hand Sally?" "Yeah.. just grab what you can that will be needed. ANY ONE KNOW HOW MANY BULLETS?" "five" "five of everything".
"Stand clear" kalem moved back just watching his best friend. He's doing all he can to help her. 'why did she have to jump in front of the fucking bullets?' with a gasp coming from jaylah, the machine stopped and Bronx and Calvin rolled her into the recovery position "if you plan to fucking help. start with the bullets" Tyson, vex, Otto, Sally and Christophe all grabbed what they needed and pulled the bullets from her back. When her eyes rolled back, Bronx spoke "we are losing her" as the machine started again, all the men swallowed hard as she was pushed to her back. "Stand clear" "she is going to wake up firing" 'we can only hope' as jaylahs eyes opened, kalem kept eye contact with her "recovery" seeing a tear rolled over her nose as she laid in the recovery position, kalem bent down "you stay with me, you hear me" he knows it's not registering right now but he needs to try.

"Barron is it done?" Barron shook his head as he held the phone to his ear "no" "NO? YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB" "JAYLAH JUMPED IN FRONT" rayals heart sunk "Barron?" "I don't know" "well fucking find out" "I can't. I had guns aimed from a lot of angry men" rayal took a deep breath "how many bullets?" "Five" rayal dropped the phone and Ivan grabbed it. "Barron?" "I have no news" "fill me in" "jaylah took five bullets for kalem. She'd rather die than lose him" Ivan nodded not that Barron could see "yeah I expected it. Where are you positioned?" "A mile from the house. It was leave or be shot" "right. I will speak to boss. Just head back" "yep" Ivan knows it's affecting Barron. They both see her as family and he's the one that shot her.
"Barron is coming back" rayal stared out the window. "I called the shot" "you weren't to know" "you And I both know she will protect him as much as she can. We don't fucking touch him. But I do need to find out the result" "what do you want to do?" "I will go on my own" "what?" Rayal pulled his eyes away from the window to look at Ivan. "I'm no threat on my own" "you think they will allow you to walk in there?" "That I don't know. I'm not worried about dying. I wouldn't be in this job if I was, I'm worried about the safety of my niece. She is all I have got" "alright".

"Hold on jaylah" jaylahs eyes kept opening and closing. Bronx and kalem keeping an eye on her for any signs of them losing her again. She hasn't spoke but that's her body in shock "three down boss" Bronx showed a slight nod.
Entering the house, rayal kept his eyes away from the men and walked to jaylahs room. 'shes not in here. It's not a good sign' "JAYLAH HOLD ON" rayal rushed to the back room. as he entered, there was kalem giving compressions. "One more to go" "I don't know how long this can go on" "as long as it fucking needs to. I'm not fucking losing her" "stand clear" rayals heart sunk as he watched jaylahs body shock from the defibrillator. Hearing the machine stop, Calvin and Bronx rolled her in the recovery position. "Last one. Get it done" Sally immediately taking over, she looked at rayal then turned her eyes back to jaylahs wound. Kalem knelt down again and grabbed jaylahs hand as he kept his eyes on hers. "Boss it's done" Bronx took a deep breath. Kalem immediately removed his shirt and placed it over jaylah "can't have the men eyeing off my sister" jaylah blinked as her fingers moved. "Thanks all of you for helping" "she's family" Bronx looked rayals way then between jaylah and rayal again "kalem. Keep a close eye" "I'm not moving" Bronx nodded as he walked rayals way. "Rayal" "Bronx is she out of danger?" "I don't know. Five shots in the back. Anything could happen" rayal showed a slight nod "yeah.." "you are planning to kill one of my men" "no" "so why did Barron come here?" 'rayal wouldn't usually take the criticism but he deserves it' "I planned to" "kalem and jaylah have always been close. They get pulled apart and one of them is going to lose it" "yeah I'm aware. Can you keep me updated?" "Yep" rayal nodded and put out his hand "thanks" Bronx shook his hand "it's more kalem you need to thank but he's tied up right now" "I will. I have to go face Barron" Bronx nodded "take care" "you too".

"Barron" Barron sat with his gun on the table and three glasses of bourbon in front of him. He hasn't spoke a word to Ivan since he has been back and it's worrying him. A kill is a kill but when it comes to family, it's a different story.
"Boss" "when I left, she was awake" Barron looked at rayal as he sat down in his chair. 'like that makes me feel better. I shot her five times' Not an emotion in his eyes, he grabbed a glass and shot it back as Ivan spoke "that's great news" "yeah.. "I won't be killing kalem" rayal looked between Ivan and Barron before sitting back "no. No one will be. He is not to be touched and nor is jaylah. Bronx has agreed to keep me updated on jaylahs recovery" "agreed?. You have all rights to see her" "I might but those men weren't shy of raising their guns as I walked in and out. It shows they are protecting her which is a good thing" Ivan nodded "alright, so we are basically giving them the reins?" "No. standing on even ground. Thats my niece and I do not want to cross them. Now the problem is how jaylah will be when she is capable of talking and out of recovery" "you expect her to fire?" "She is definitely going to fire".

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