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Waking up under Bronxs arm again, jaylah laid still. This has happened everyday. Not a word has been spoken about it. Maybe it's a good idea if she moves rooms now. She doesn't know how it happens but waking up to the smell of his deodarant relaxes her. Maybe she can test how he reacts. Jaylah moved the back of hand down from his chest where her hand sat, to his stomach.
Bronx waking up to jaylah moving her hand down his body, he took in the way she touched him. 'shit my arm is over her again. What do I do? I don't even know if she is awake' Bronx only tightened his hold as jaylah kept her hand still. Jaylahs head swirling with emotions, she knew Bronx was awake by the way he tightened his hold. He's a very attractive man from his dark black tousled hair to his chiseled features, muscly body and green eyes. But she never expected this. Never expected to be under the arm of Bronx nor have him pull her closer. Jaylah grew the courage and lifted her head. In this moment, Bronx opened his eyes to meet jaylahs. "Good morning" "good morning" none of them mentioning the position they laid in, jaylah dropped her head again not sure what else to say. Bronx looked at jaylah as she put her head back to his chest with a small smile. She never mentioned anything about how they laid. "Jaylah" "I'm sorry" Bronx held his hold "about?" "This" Bronx inhaled a deep breath as he moved his hand over her side to her chin and raised it. Looking Into her light blue eyes, Bronx spoke "it nothing to be sorry about. It's happened everyday and none of us have spoke about it. Maybe we should" jaylah kept her eyes on Bronxs dark green eyes not sure what to say but she said what travelled through her mind "I can move back to my room" Bronx closed his eyes not sure if he should say what he deep down thought. "You are here so I can protect you jaylah. I don't want anything happening to you. When you are stronger and can protect yourself I understand but right now I want to do all I can to make sure you are safe. If that means you being in here then I don't care" Bronx will say anything he can to keep her here. Jaylah kept her eyes on Bronxs. "Okay" hearing jaylah say okay, Bronx closed his eyes in relief. As jaylah rolled out of his hold, Bronx opened his eyes "jaylah?" "Bathroom" Bronx kept his eyes on jaylah as she sat on the edge of the bed before moving. 'Darn Sally putting this shit in my head' Bronx moved out of bed then left the room.
As jaylah walked out, she took a deep breath. Quickly getting changed and fixing her hair, jaylah walked out and to the kitchen. "Jaylah" "Paolo" "oh you do remember who I am?" "Why wouldn't I?" "Well you walk around expecting others to address you. I understand what you went through but you are so fucking up yourself. I'm surprised their isnt a stick up your ass keeping you standing" jaylah looked at Paolo as she pushed the cup to the wall breaking it and walked out leaving Paolo speechless. Jaylah has never looked at Paolo with anger or let her anger out. Jaylah walked to the bedroom grabbing her ipod then walked to the gym room slamming the door. Not even realizing other men were present, jaylah put her ear pods in her ears and turned the music up loud before getting on the treadmill. Gage looked at Zaire with wide eyes and Zaire shook his head "someone has pissed her off" gage nodded. As jaylah walked the treadmill, she took In the music, trying to calm herself down. She knows today will be a bad day.
"What the fuck happened in here?. Porcelain smashed all over the bench?" Paolo looked at Bronx "jaylah" "what the fuck happened?" "I pissed her off" "shit. Cant you men keep your fucking mouths shut?" "Hey, I was just stating the truth" "what fucking truth?" "That she is acting like a stuck up bitch" "a stuck up bitch? Ever fucking thought she is just trying to deal with being back here after what she has been through?" Paolo took a deep breath "yeah.." "well you can fucking clean the mess. I guess I have to go speak with her" "what?" "DO YOU WANT RAYAL ON YOUR FUCKING ASS?" "No" "then I need to calm her don't I?" "So what, she uses her fucking uncle?" "NO. BUT IF HE FINDS OUT SHES NOT FUCKING HAPPY, WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN?. SHE IS FAR FROM UP HERSELF" calvin walked in and stood inbetween bronx and Paolo. "Whoa, what the fuck is going in here?" Bronx raised his lip in disdain "jaylah is up herself right?" "What? Bronx you know darn well she's not" Bronx kept his eyes on Paolo "well some of us think so" Paolo turned his eyes "I will clean the fucking mess" "yeah you will" Bronx slid his cup across the bench making it fall to the floor. "Bronx.." Bronx walked out of the kitchen and looked around for jaylah. Finding her jogging on the treadmill, he could tell she was Pushing her limits "boss" Bronx looked at Zaire. Zaire could tell something had happened. "How long has she been jogging?" "About ten minutes. She looked angry when she walked in" Bronx looked at jaylah not sure how to handle the situation. As he walked closer, an idea came to mind. To cheer her up he needs to make her laugh. Bronx walked around her and bent down putting his head in front of her. When Jaylah looked down at Bronx, he poked his tongue out. Jaylah internally grinned as she slowed to a power walk. Keeping her eyes on Bronxs, bronx didn't care that others witnessed his playful ways. When he raised his head, he got on the treadmill and walked back wards as jaylah kept walking. Both of them staring each other off, Bronx moved closer touching his ear. Jaylah raised her eyebrows and bronx smirked. He knows she won't be able to hear him. Touching his ear again, jaylah removed an ear bud. "Good. You can hear me" "what do you want?" "You haven't ate" "no" "then get off the treadmill before I throw you over my shoulder and take you to the kitchen" jaylah questioned his sincerity "I'm jogging" "it's the kitchen or I let Zaire Deal with you" jaylah turned to look at Zaire and shrugged "alright you asked for it" Bronx picked jaylah up and carried her over his shoulder to the kitchen. "You need to eat" as Bronx put her down, jaylahs eyes moved straight to Paolo. "Jaylah" jaylah turned her eyes "look I shouldn't have said what I did" jaylah looked at the bench before a malicious grin showed on her face "SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID WHAT YOU SAID? WHO FUCKING LOOKED AFTER YOU WHEN YOU HAD THE FLU?. WHO FUCKING COVERED FOR YOU WHEN YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR WHEREABOUTS. YOU ARE FUCKING SELFISH. I SPENT TWO FUCKING MONTHS IN THAT PRISON GETTING WHIPPED EVERY FUCKING DAY AND YOU CANT EVEN FUCKING BE HAPPY FOR ME.." without out hesitation Christophe walked in and picked jaylah up taking her out of the kitchen "PUT ME DOWN" Christophe put jaylah down and as she turned, he trapped her to the wall "don't take your anger out on Paolo" "he shouldn't have said what he did" "okay I know he pissed you off but you are the calm one around here" "he shouldn't.." Christophe covered jaylahs mouth, knowing he could get away with it "don't let him get to you jaylah. The more you stress, the less you gain" Christophe watched as jaylahs eyes changed and removed his hands "I will not be staying here" "jaylah think this through" "fuck this shit" Christophe took a deep breath as jaylah walked off. Okay, if he can't get through to jaylah, he needs to speak with Paolo. Entering the kitchen, Christophe spoke "what the fuck did you say to jaylah for her to be so fucking pissed off that she wants to leave?" "WHAT?" Bronx looked between Paolo and Christophe "I may have said some shit I didn't mean" "well you better fucking fix it" "okay what I said was.." "I couldnt give a shit what you said, you better call her before she loses her fucking shit" "she did" "worse than what she has done Paolo. She is usually the calm one" "all I said was she acts like theres a fucking stick up her ass and expects people to address her" "EVER FUCKING THOUGHT SHE DOESNT KNOW WHO TO FUCKING TRUST AFTER BEEN THROWN IN THE CELLS?" Paolo put his head down "yeah.. that would explain it" "fucking idiot" "okay Christophe you need to calm down" "if she leaves, are you going to be calm?" Bronx took a deep breath "probably not" "exactly".

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