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"I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spiderman's control
And Batman with his fists
And clearly I don't see myself upon that list"

-Something just like this, Codplay

Finally the Dean and Kaeden bromance I've been dying to write... lemme know your thoughts on the chapter!!


The text from Elijah, to say the least, was confusing: I need a favor. Got into some shit with Kade... he's not at the fields like he usually is to blow off steam. My guess is he's at the gym... plsss go check on him? I'm the last person he's going to wanna see rn, but I think he'll talk to you...

"Dean?" his father said, sounding impatient. "This conversation is important, so if you could put down your phone for five minutes? You already spent most of the day with your friends when we were supposed to be sorting this out."

Both Dean and Christian sat opposite to their parents in the living room. After Kaeden had left with Elijah to head back to the hospital, the rest of them had left soon after. Coach had called up barely a few minutes later saying that practice had been canceled.

As soon as they came home, their parents had cornered the two of them, and this 'important conversation' happened to involve the Wests. Which meant talking about Brian, aka, the last thing he wanted to do. Dean sighed, putting down the phone, but not before shooting back a quick text. You think Gray will talk to me of all people?

Before his father could get another word in, his phone vibrated again, and Dean picked it back up. Your stupid QB egos clashing might just get him to talk... please, babe??

Dean shook his head, because just like that, Elijah had him. Even over text, Dean could never say no to him.

"I gotta go," he muttered, getting up.

"Dean!" his mother chastised. "This is important. I'm sure whatever it is can wait."

Christian interrupted before Dean could reply. "Oh, I'm sure it can't wait," he chuckled. "It's lover boy, isn't it? You had that stupid smile on your face when you saw who the text was from."

Dean shot his brother a glare, but that just made him laugh harder. "Whipped," Christian muttered.

"Mum, dad, I'm sure you can have this conversation without me," Dean tried. "I'm not even important here. Chris is the one who's 'dating' Jessamine, and I'm pretty sure they won't be interested in having me pretending to be in love with Riley after that little stunt Brian pulled."

"Do I need to remind you Brian has it out for you and this Elijah kid for some reason?" his father asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dean winced internally. He was well aware what that 'some reason' was. But unlike Brian, Dean wasn't one to stoop low enough to out him and tell everyone what it was really about.

"Add onto it the fact that Elijah's best friend is now dating Jackson West's ex-girlfriend. Who, by the way, everyone knows Jackson still has a thing for..." Christian added, making Dean shoot him an annoyed glare. "Just saying!"

Dean shook his head, resisting the urge to make a snarky remark. It would only earn him a reprimand from his parents, and he could get back at Christian later.

"Well, I still gotta go," he said.

Before anyone could stop him, Dean jogged away, ignoring his mother's reprimanding voice calling out his name. He made his way to the garage, grabbing the keys to his car before heading for the gym. There were quite a few of those around town, but if Kaeden intended to blow off steam, there would only be one place he was at. There was only one gym around here with a boxing ring.

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