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- Thank you for everything, the dinner was amazing, the cake even better. Smiled Jungkook's father to his friends who accompanied them to the front door.

- You are more than welcome. Smiled Jimin's father.

- We are sorry though, we kept you awake to this late hour you must be tired from your trip. Said Taehyung's mom.

- Oh trust me we are rather happy. Smiled Youngi's father.

- Me and Jiyoung will accompany you to the guest house. Said Jimin's father.

- Thank you. Said both Jungkook's father and Youngi's father.

- So good night everyone. Said Jungkook's father.

- Good night, see you tomorrow. Said Youngi's father.

The four older alphas headed outside and the door closed behind them.

- I'm sleeping here tonight. Said Taehyung as he held Jimin's hand and they both were about to walk to Jimin's bedroom.

- Hey hey hey you two who is going to clean all this?

- Mom please it's late and i'm tired, you have Seokjin hyung, Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung. Whined Jimin.

- Without a single comment! Both of you are going to help us. Said Jimin's mother.

The younger omegas stormed to the living room as they were muttering god only knows what.


- Hi. Said Jimin's father as he entered his house followed by Taehyung's father.

- Hi, everything is fine at the guest house? Asked Jimin's mother walking to her mate.

- Yes very good. Replied Jimin's father.

- Shall we go home? Asked Taehyung's mother her mate.

- Actually we are thinking about dropping the bomb now. Said Taehyung's father.

- I don't think it's a good idea, they are tired and in a really bad mood. Said Jimin's mother.

- Agree. I think we should wait. Said Taehyung's mother.

- Since when they are in good mood? We will end up telling them anyways so sooner better then later. Said Taehyung's father.

- Yes, and i know we will keep pushing it if we don't talk to them right now.

Taehyung's mom and Jimin's mother looked at each other before both nodding.

- The kitchen is clean, everything is good, can we go to sleep now. Said Jimin and didn't even wait for anyone to respond as he walked to his bedroom followed by a yawning Taehyung.

- We are going home too. Said Namjoon behind the younger omegas.

- Everyone sit down, we need to discuss something. Said Jimin's father.

The younger omegas didn't even stop ignoring the pack leader words.

- Jimin, Taehyung now. Said Jimin's father.

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