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- Come on, i'm begging you for almost half an hour now, why did you two agree on this marriage ? I know there is a reason and I'm really really worried, you know you can't kill the alphas in their sleep right? Their families will kill you, you know that yes? Asked Hoseok.

Seokjin smiled as he handed his brother the dinner plate, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok went to Seokjin and Namjoon's house for dinner.

- Hyung stop it, we will not kill anyone, we just agreed. Said Taehyung.

- There is a reason why you agreed after refusing, there is always a reason behind the change of mind. Said Namjoon calmly as he was cutting his chicken breast.

- Leave them alone, they don't want to tell us. Said Seokjin as he took a sit next to his husband who gave him the plate with the chicken he was cutting.

- It's not like that, usually we refuse a marriage offer and mom and dad and even you will move on, this time all of you really wanted us to marry them, we got drunk and talked and talked for hours and hours and we agreed maybe they are not that bad, we will got something from this marriage and after all we are together so. Said Jimin.

- You mean we forced you to agree? Asked Hoseok.

- Somehow.

- Not true, you come to us and said i want to marry Jungkook and he said i want to marry Youngi. Smiled Hoseok.

- Oh yeah sure i'm so in love with him jun.. what?

The older laughed before Namjoon spoke

- You are lucky though Jungkook is a good alpha, he is strong like really really strong, he is good at everything, in the training camp he is always top one, he is humble, and kind and very handsome. And i think he is a very good match to you.

- He must be very lucky, i'm too good for him. Said Jimin.

- Wow wow excuse my impolite behavior your majesty. Smiled Namjoon.

All of them laughed.

- How about Youngi ? Asked Taehyung quietly almost like a whisper.

Hoseok smiled and said

- I can say i'm the closest to Youngi hyung, i personally like him, he may seem cold and doesn't care about anything but in reality he has a very kind heart, he is a very good adviser, he knows a lot of things, he is wise and he is really generous and he is a very strong alpha too.

Taehyung nodded, his cheeks turning a little bit pink. Jimin looked at his best friend and rolled his eyes while the other smiled softly at the young omega cute reaction.

- Youngi hyung is one year older that you two though and Jungkook is one year younger that you two. Said Hoseok.

- Amazing i will marry a kid. Scoffed Jimin

- A kid ?! Jimin i can't wait for your reaction tomorrow when you meet him, he is built like a solid giant rock. That alpha is big. Smirked Hoseok as he winked to Jimin who looked disgusted by the older alpha words.

- Tomorrow is a big day for all of us. Smiled Seokjin.

- I'm sure they prepared a lot of valuable gifts for you, that pack is damn rich. Said Hoseok.

- We are rich too. Said Taehyung.

- I don't want anything. Said Jimin.

- Jimin for the billion time, you have to behave, you will accept their gifts with a huge smile and thank them a lot and act happy when you take it an-

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